Copy envSample
as .env
Install node dependencies using npm install
Run the development server using npm run start
You can edit them in .env
git init
git add .
git commit -m "react-create-app on Heroku"
# make sure commit all codes and usuaully you do not need to run above command if you are sure your codes in git repo is latest.
heroku create -b
# set variables defined in .env
heroku config:set REACT_APP_API_BASE_PATH=base url
heroku config:set REACT_APP_SOCKET_URL=socket url
heroku config:set REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIEND_ID=auth0 client id
heroku config:set REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN=auth0 domain
heroku config:set REACT_APP_GOOGLE_API_KEY=google api key
git push heroku HEAD:master
heroku open
You can use new configuration with below commands from set-vars-on-heroku.
heroku config:set REACT_APP_API_BASE_PATH=new base url
git commit --allow-empty -m "Set REACT_APP_API_BASE_PATH config var"
git push heroku HEAD:master