Middleware to allow cli-http to authenticate with s3
The main HTTP client functionality is provided by the
namespace and the s3 auth middleware by the clj-http-s3.middleware
Require both in the REPL:
(require '[clj-http.client :as client]
'[clj-http-s3.middleware :as s3])
The s3 middleware provides a wrapper wrap-aws-s3-auth
When making requests to s3, instruct the clj-http client to use the wrapper like so:
(clj-http.client/with-middleware (conj clj-http.client/default-middleware #'s3/wrap-aws-s3-auth #'s3/wrap-request-date)
(clj-http.client/get "https://s3.amazonaws.com/sample-bucket/sample-resource"
:aws-credentials {:access-key "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
:secret-key "AWS_SECRET_KEY"}))
AWS requires a date header to be sent. The date header is used to sign the auth header as well. You can either provide the date header yourself or use the wrap-request-date middleware (as shown in the above example).