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Releases: Threespot/frontline-sass

5.1.0 Burger icon mixins support CSS vars

16 Sep 18:06
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Breaking Change

The burger() and burger-to-cross() mixins now use CSS variables instead of Sass vars:

.icon {
  // Required vars
  --burger-icon-gutter: 6px;
  --burger-icon-stroke-width: 2px;
  --burger-icon-width: 30px;
  // Optional vars, defaults shown
  // --burger-icon-color: currentColor;
  // --burger-icon-radius: 0;
  // --burger-icon-speed: 200ms;
  // --burger-icon-cross-angle: 45deg;
  // --burger-icon-cross-color: currentColor;
  @include burger;

  &.is-active {
    @include burger-to-cross;

Docs have been updated

5.0.0 Sass modules

20 Aug 15:20
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4.1.2 Dependency updates and bugfixes

25 Jun 16:43
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  • Fix error in fs-scale-text() deprecation warning
  • Update fs-scale() and fs-scale-clamp() tests to prevent false negatives
  • Upgrade NodeJS from 14.15.4 to 20.15.0
  • Update sass, postcss-scss, and stylelint

3.11.2 Fix error in deprecation warning

25 Jun 16:58
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Fixes error in fs-scale-text() deprecation warning

4.1.1 Fix logging errors in helper functions

29 Aug 20:20
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fs-to-length() and fs-to-number() were copied from this post originally . A year later the author posted an updated version, which I also copied, but I didn’t notice it switched to using Compass for logging instead of the native Sass @warn.

- @warn "Unknown unit `#{$unit}`.";
+ $_: log('Invalid unit `#{$unit}`.');

I think this never caused any issues previously since both functions are rarely used—and when they are it’s unlikely a dev would use them incorrectly. However, the latest version of Sass started complaining about the syntax which led me to realize it used non-Sass code.

4.1.0 Add fs-scale-clamp() function

16 Jun 18:50
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Adds fs-scale-clamp() function to smoothly scale a value between two breakpoints. Based on


.foo {
  font-size: fs-scale-clamp((375px: 16px, 960px: 20px));

Generated CSS

.foo {
  font-size: clamp(1rem, 0.84rem + 0.684vw, 1.25rem);

4.0.0 Upgrade to Dart Sass

06 Jan 17:03
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3.11.0 `fs-scale()` update

01 Apr 21:07
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In the past, when we wanted to scale a value differently for separate viewport width ranges, it required using the fs-scale() mixin multiple times and applying $initial: false to all subsequent instances. For example:

@include fs-scale(font-size, (360px: 20px, $breakpoint - 1px: 30px));
@include fs-scale(font-size, ($breakpoint: 20px, 1200px: 30px), $initial: false);

When we added map syntax support to fs-scale() in v3.9 it became possible to do this with a single @include like this:

@include fs-scale(font-size, (
  360px: 20px,
  $breakpoint - 1px: 30px,
  $breakpoint: 20px,
  1200px: 30px

However, this resulted in the wrong font-size being used when the viewport was exactly $breakpoint - 1px wide, since it created a separate media query from $breakpoint - 1px to $breakpoint—a total of just 1px.

In order to keep the new single @include syntax, we added support for lists so you can now specify separate starting and ending values for a single breakpoint. For example:

@include fs-scale(font-size, (
  360px: 20px,
  $breakpoint: (30px 20px),
  1200px: 30px


09 Mar 16:14
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Fix: Remove Node engine version requirement from package.json since it’s irrelevant for end users.

3.10.2 `fs-scale()` bugfix

02 Feb 22:01
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Fixes bug with the fs-scale() mixin that was causing it to output the wrong breakpoint values when using the new map syntax.