- [02/2025] The figures in the paper have been released.
- [12/2024] The paper of tDKI-Net has been published online [J-BHI].
- [04/2024] The demo of tDKI-Net has been released.
Regular non-learning based fitting of tDKI, such as linear least square fitting, requires densely sampled q-t space (Fig. 1(b1)). Previous learning-based methods primarily focused on investigating the sparsity of the q-space (Fig. 1(b2)), while the tDKI model also has sparsity in t-space and the joint q-t space. In this work, we proposed a joint q-t space downsampling strategy to accelerate tDKI acquisition (Fig. 1(b3)).
Fig.1 The overall structure of two fitting methods.
This repository provides a simplified demonstration of a q-t space acceleration network for tDKI model, tDKI-Net. In this repository we offer an inference framework on three kinds of downsampling mode namely q-1, t-1, and q-t-1 corresponding to our manuscript. The project was originally developed for our work on t-DKI Net and can be used directly or fine-tuned with your dataset.
Fig.2 The overall network structure.
Before you can use this package for image segmentation. You should install the follwing libary at least:
- PyTorch version >=1.8
- Some common python packages such as Numpy, H5py, NiBabel ...
Compile the requirement library.
Download our pretrained models and data from the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Uezgc3m4_CzZUuXN0vmZ5VtA27izV1KS?usp=drive_link
Run our demo, using q-t-1 as an example
python test.py
If you want to try q0, just specify input_nc as 210 and output_nc as 9, while for td0, input_nc is 450 and output_nc is 7.
If you find it useful for your research, please consider citing the following sources:
Simplified J-BHI version for tDKI-Net, first attempt at q-t space downsampling
author={Zheng, Tianshu and Ba, Ruicheng and Huang, Yongquan and Wu, Dan},
journal={IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics},
title={tDKI-Net: A Joint q-T Space Learning Network for Diffusion-Time-Dependent Kurtosis Imaging},
Original MICCAI version, first adopted the extragradient method in the qMRI / microstructure estimation area
title={An adaptive network with extragradient for diffusion MRI-based microstructure estimation},
author={Zheng, Tianshu and Zheng, Weihao and Sun, Yi and Zhang, Yi and Ye, Chuyang and Wu, Dan},
booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention},
This project was designed for academic research, not for clinical or commercial use, as it's a protected patent.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.