This sample project uses Storybook and Vue.js. It is based on vue-kitchen-sink sample.
Storybook is the library for creating UI component catalogs. It can confirm the state and behavior of components.
It can see a list of stories in the left panel. And it can see components for each story in the right panel.
Perform the following steps:
- Download and install Node.js.
- Download and install Visual Studio Code(VS Code).
- Install vetur extension for VS Code.
- Clone this repository.
- Download and install npm packages.
npm install
Perform the following steps:
- Start the development server.
npm run storybook
- When startup is complete, the console shows the following message:
info Storybook started on => http://localhost:9009/
- Access the follwing URL in the Chrome.
Perform the following command:
npm run build
The follwing figure is the map of this sample project.
- storybook_sample
- .storybook Contains configurations of StoryBook.
- main.js Define the add-on settings.
- manager.js Define the path of .story files.
- preview.js Define configurations for MDX.
+ public
- src
+ components Define components of Vue.js.
+ stories Define a story of each component.
- App.vue Define a base view of this project.
- index.js Entry point.
- .babelrc Babel Configuration.
- index.html
- package.json Define npm packages.
- webpack.config.js Define webpack configuration.
There are the following components in this sample.
Component Name | File Name | Description |
Button | commandbutton.vue |
The component that shows a button |
Input | inputbox.vue |
The component that shows a item name and input box. |
Label | labelgroup.vue |
The component that shows a item name and data. |
Message | message.vue |
The component that shows messages. |
Modal | modal.vue |
The component that shows a modal dialog. |
Navigation Bar | navbar.vue |
The component that shows a navigation bar. |
Pagenation | paginate.vue |
The component that shows a pagenation. |
Select Box | selectbox.vue |
The component that shows a select box. |
The pagination component refer to this project.
This sample uses the following library.
Library Name | Version |
Storybook for Vue | 6.4.13 |
Addon Actions | 6.4.13 |
Addon Controls | 6.4.13 |
Addon Viewport | 6.4.13 |
Addon Docs | 6.4.13 |
semantic-ui-css | 2.4.1 |
The License of this sample is MIT License.