This repository contains the souce code of the Great TikZlings Extravanganza 2020, created by Ulrike & Gert Fischer, Paulo Cereda, Plergux and samcarter.
The full video is available from
Topic: TikZlings with bobble hats, one large, 6 smaller
Music: Tannenbaum 0:55 - 1:15
Source Code: ./ulrike/bobble/
Topic: Mouse singing, James Bond ducks before Sean Connery picture
Music: nobody does it better 1:20-1:33
Source Code ./ulrike/seanconnery/
Topic: honey pot + jumping Bär with spoon
Music: Abba Honey, honey 0:08 - 0:20
Source code: ./ulrike/honey/
Topic: Sheep sounds in many different languages
Source Code: ./samcarter/baaaaa/
Topic: ducks with bagpipes in loch ness landscape
Music: amazing grace 0:58-1:23
Source Code: ./samcarter/lochness/
Topic: TikZlings in a Gondola
Music: Les Contes d'Hoffmann: Barcarole 1:04 - 1:32
Source code: ./samcarter/venice/
Topic: Ducks hugging all sort things/beings
Source Code: ./paulo/hug-the-world/
Topic: TikZling visits a museum
Music: (better suggestions are welcome - I'm really not the music expert....)
Source code: ./samcarter/art/
Topic: Dark stage, large bee in spotlight in the middle. A second bee appearing and disappearing in the background.
Music: Hamlet monologue: 0:00 - 0:23
Source Code: ./samcarter/bees/
Koala with hat & guitar before an eukalyptus tree
Music: Slim Dusty - Waltzing Matilda 1:04 - 1:20
Source Code: ./ulrike/downunder
Topic: TikZlings in a Zoom meeting window, with the anteater bloke presenting the theory of the sheep
Music: (previous soundtrack was removed by YT)
Source code: ./paulo/zoom-meeting/
Topic: 007
Music: golden gun 0:23-037
Source code: ./plergux/007/
Topic: Dancing duck pallbearers
Music: Astronomia
Source Code: ./paulo/xcoffins/
tikzling in a moon crescent under stars singing the aria of queen of the night from the Zauberflöte
Music: The Magic Flute – Queen of the Night 0.57 - 1.15"
Source Code: ./ulrike/queen
Topic: vampires
Source Code: ./samcarter/vampires/
Topic: tikzlings with masks, UN-flags or flags from various countries
Music: we shall overcome 0:56- 1:17
Source Code: ./ulrike/finale/