Backman is a website backup tool written in ruby. It can backup remote mysql servers as well your files.
Use the docker image from dockerhub:
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume $PWD/backups:/backups --volume $PWD/config.yaml:/bakman/config.yaml --volume $PWD/servers.yaml:/bakman/servers.yaml timkinbokeh/bakman
An example config.yaml file:
should_backup_databases: true
should_backup_files: true
months_to_keep_backups: 3
backup_loc: backups
db_backups_folder_name: db
file_backups_folder_name: files
file_backups_cache_directory_name: tmp
and an example servers.yaml file:
ssh_username: bakman
ssh_password: password
ssh_port: 22
remote_dir: /var/www/
db_username: bakman
db_password: password