LeCroyStrParser.py parses binary str produced by LeCroy scopes.
LeCroyStrParser.py is derived from the matlab program ReadLeCroyBinaryWaveform.m, available at https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/26375-readlecroybinarywaveform-m, Original version (c)2001 Hochschule fr Technik+Architektur Luzern Fachstelle Elektronik 6048 Horw, Switzerland Slightly modified by Alan Blankman, LeCroy Corporation, 2006
Further elements for the code were taken from pylecroy, written by Steve Bian Slightly modified by Tom Aubier to support binary string decoding.
A useful resource for modifications is the LeCroy Remote Control Manual available at http://cdn.teledynelecroy.com/files/manuals/dda-rcm-e10.pdf
LecroyStrParser has been tested with and Python 3.7