A github for public updates to the pack. We have a subreddit at http://www.reddit.com/r/TestPackPleaseIgnore/ . Thanks for reading!
"Test Pack Please Ignore" is a FTB pack made by members of the FTB reddit, officialy given the OK by Slowpoke himself.
esKaayY (IGN: esKaayY)
Dr Soda (IGN: Epiksoda11)
nsstrunks (IGN: nsstrunks)
NEOidea (stellarcraft) (IGN: NEOidea)
tterrag (IGN/Reddit: tterrag1098)
wha-ha-ha (IGN: wha-ha-ha)
dudeedud4 (IGN: sneezing-panda)
phit (reddit: phitriz)
Google Doc. Modlist: http://bit.ly/tppi#btn
Look at the commits.