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API Reference

Kaleb edited this page Jul 31, 2024 · 7 revisions


temporal_mapper.TemporalMapper(time, data, clusterer)

The TemporalMapper object stores all the data and preprocessing associated to the temporal mapper graph, with semantic data data and timestamps time. Clustering is performed using an sklearn clusterer clusterer, which can optionally support weighted points.


G: networkx.classes.Digraph(Graph)
The temporal graph itself.
density: ndarray
The f-density rho for each data point.


time: ndarray
time array (1 dim)
data: ndarray
data array (n dim)
clusterer: sklearn clusterer
the clusterer to use for the slice-wise clustering, optionally accepts sample_weights
N_checkpoints: int
number of time-points at which to cluster
checkpoints: arraylike
array of time-points at which to cluster
overlap: float
A float in (0,1) which specifies the g parameter (see README)
neighbours: float
The number of nearest neighbours to use in the density computation.
show_outliers: bool
If true, include unclustered points in the graph
slice_method: str
One of 'time' or 'data'. If time, generates N_checkpoints evenly spaced in time. If data, generates N_checkpoints such that there are equal amounts of data between the points.
rate_sensitivity: float
A positive float, or -1. The rate parameter is raised to this parameter, so higher numbers means that the algorithm is more sensitive to changes in rate. If rate_sensivity == -1, then the rate parameter is taken log2.
kernel: function
A function with signature f(t0, t, density, binwidth, epsilon=0.01, params=None). Two options are included in, weighted_clustering.square and weighted_clustering.gaussian.
kernel_parameters: tuple or None,
Passed to kernel as params kwarg.
verbose: bool
Does what you expect.


Run the fuzzy mapper algorithm to construct the temporal graph.
get_vertex_data(str node):
Returns the index of elements of data which are in vertex node.


temporal_mapper.utilities.time_semantic_plot(TemporalGraph, semantic_axis)

Create a time-semantic plot of the graph TemporalGraph.G.


TemporalMapper: temporal_mapper.TemporalMapper
The temporal graph object to plot.
semantic_axis: ndarray
Array of shape (n_samples,) with the 1D semantic data to use in the plot.
ax: matplotlib.axes (optional, default=None)
Matplotlib axis to draw on
vertices: list (optional, default=None)
List of nodes in TG.G to include in the plot.
label_edges: bool (optional, default=False)
If true, include text labels of the edge weight on top of edges.
edge_scaling: float (optional, default = 1)
Scales the thickness of edges, larger is thicker.
bundle: bool (optional, default=True)
If true, bundle the edges of the graph using datashader's hammer_bundle function.
print_params: bool (optional, default=False)
If true, print extra information about the parameters of TemporalMapper on the plot.

Returns: matplotlib.axes


Plot the temporal graph in 2d with vertices at their cluster centroids.


TemporalMapper: temporal_mapper.TemporalMapper
The temporal graph object to plot.
ax: matplotlib.axes (optional, default=None)
Matplotlib axis to draw on
node_colouring: 'desaturate' or 'override' (optional, default='desaturate')
Determines how to incorporate temporal information in the color. The desaturate option will take the semantic colouring from datamapplot and desaturate points that are further back in time. The override option will throw away the semantic colouring and colour points only based on their time value.
vertices: list (optional, default=None)
List of nodes in TG.G to include in the plot.
label_edges: bool (optional, default=False)
If true, include text labels of the edge weight on top of edges.
edge_scaling: float (optional, default = 1)
Scales the thickness of edges, larger is thicker.
bundle: bool (optional, default=True)
If true, bundle the edges of the graph using datashader's hammer_bundle function.
print_params: bool (optional, default=False)
If true, print extra information about the parameters of TemporalMapper on the plot.

Returns: matplotlib.axes

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