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Lua Types
--directory location that has a build.borz inside or just pointing to a lua file.
project(name, language, binType, tags)
project(name, language, binType)
--Returns the correct project for the given language with the name and binType setup.
--tags is an array of strings.
project("MyPlugin", Language.C, BinType.SharedObj, {"plugin"})
createPkgDep(libraryPaths, libraryNames, includePaths, defines, needsRPath)
--Returns a PkgDep filled out with the given tables
--Returns true if the given conf matches the current set build config.
if isBuildConf("debug") then
log.info("We're building a debug build.")
NOTE! log.fatal
will stop execution.
--Returns a bool if creation was successful.
--Returns a bool if directory exists.
dir.delete(dir, recursive = true)
--Recursive works like C#, you can read what that means at the bottom of this code block.
--Returns an array of dirs in the given dir
--This is just calling listDirs but giving it the path of your scripts current directory.
dir.copy(src, dest)
--Copies a directory recursively.
dir.copy("scripts", "bin/scripts")
--This goes through the directory and updates everything recursively to the current time.
--Useful when you extract some files from a zip and it has the wrong time.
Heres the Microsoft docs on Directory.Delete(string, bool)
--Returns a bool if the file exists or not.
--Concats paths together.
--Returns a single string of the combined path.
x = path.combine("..", "myfolder/foo", "file.txt")
-- Unix : x = "../myfolder/foo/file.txt"
-- Windows: x = "..\myfolder\foo\file.txt" (This could be wrong, idk.)
--Returns the file name out of the path or if it failed will return nil.
x = path.getFileName("myfolder/file.txt")
-- x = "file.txt"
--Pretty much like path.getFileName but no extension.
x = path.getFileNameNoExt("myfolder/file.txt")
-- x = "file"
--Returns the absolute path to the given input path.
Workspace contains the projects and some extra settings.
ws.Name = "Workspace"
ws.Configs = {"debug", "release"}
--This will return an array of projects on success sorted by dependencies.
This command does a lot, lets see a example requirements.ako file
sdl2 [
version ">=2.20.2"
lol [
name "sdl2"
foo [
name "unknown-pkg"
If a name isn't given it will just use the key name as the pkg name, for versions you can use <=, >= and = on the left-hand side to set exactly what version you want and req aka required basically will cause the script to fail if its not found.
Lets run this.
pkgs = pkgconf.fromAko("requirements.ako")
--pkgs["foo"] is nil
foo = project("foo", Language.Cpp, BinType.ConsoleApp)
foo.AddDep(pkgs["sdl2"], true)
You can look at the project page here to learn about AddDep.
Now about req:
Q: What happens if I have required set and a package fails due to mismatched version or its not found?
A message will be shown to the user and borz will just exit safely
The value in the table is a PkgDep, this is different from a Project as PkgDeps can't be compiled only linked and have the common elements a pkgconfig PC file would have, you can even do your own package querying using the function
pkg = createPkgDep(libraryPaths, libraryNames, includePaths, defines, needsRPath)
If you want to just individually query for a package:
pkg = pkgconf.query(name, required = true, version)
--Like fromAko if required is set borz will quit safely else you will get nil if it couldn't be found.
This class is just full of random utility functions.
--Sleeps for the given amount of milliseconds.
util.runCmd(cmd, args)
--Runs the given cmd with the given args.
exitCode, output, error = util.runCmd("gcc", "--version")
-- exitCode = 0
-- output = "gcc (GCC)......"
-- error = ""
util.downloadFile(url, outputLocation)
--This is a simple file downloader.
success = util.downloadFile("someurl.com/file.txt", "bin/file.txt")
-- success = true or false
util.conf_add(keys, value)
--Keys is an array of strings, value is a string.
--WARNING: This is a temporary function and will be removed in the future when
--the ako config is better integrated with lua.
util.getResource(resourceType, url, extractTo)
util.getResource(resourceType, url, extractTo, fileToCheck, folderToExtract)
--Optional: fileToCheck, folderToExtract
--resourceType: Archive just for now.
--extractTo: Path to extract downloaded content to.
--fileToCheck: If the given file exists then skip.
--folderToExtract: Path in archive to copy from.
--This will download the given url and extract it to the given extractTo.
The example for download file is pretty big so it gets its own section.
local url = "https://glad.dav1d.de/generated/notarealid/glad.zip"
local binPath = path.getAbs("binaries")
local gladExtractPath = path.combine(binPath, "glad")
local validFile = path.combine(gladExtractPath, "src", "glad.c")
success = util.getResource(ResourceType.Archive, url, gladExtractPath, validFile)
if success then
-- success = true or false