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Lab 02 - Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) for MIPS


This lab will be an introduction to MIPS instruction formats and it's datapath components, in this case the Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU). You will also be getting familiar with the using Digital to test and debug your designs. The Verilog portion of this lab is to implement the MIPS ALU.

ALUs are hardware circuits that perform the arithmetic computations within a processor. They support multiple operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, etc. The hardware logic to perform these operations can vary widely based on the approach used (Carry-Lookahead vs Ripple-Carry adder) or the data types supported (Integer, Float, Double). An ALU could even supply multiple versions of the same operation. They are not limited to only arithmetic operations. They can support bitwise operations, like AND, OR, and NOT. Input data and control bits are sent to the ALU. The control bits specify an operation (OPCODE), and the ALU redirects the inputs to the corresponding functional circuit. When the computation completes the result is output along with extra data about the operation (overflow, underflow, carryouts, etc.)

The MIPS Datapath

To help your understanding of the components used in this lab, look at the datapath diagram below. The compenents we are interested in are the Controller, ALU Control, and ALU.

MIPS Datapath Diagram

Insturction Formats

To better understand the design of the MIPS ALU its important to understand the MIPS instruction formats. To re-familiarize yourself here's a good online resource: MIPS Instruction Formats

The main instruction format we are dealing with here in the ALU is the R-format. These instructions involve register operands (hence the name R-format) that perform basic math operation in the ALU. Below is an example of an add instruction with the source registers $s1 and $s2 and the destination register $s0.

op rs rt rd shamt funct
000000 10001 10010 10000 00000 100000

While you can look up the meaning of each of the fields in the resource linked above, the only one we are concerned with is the funct field. This field tells the alu_control component of the datapath which math operation the ALU should execute. It is the job of this component to translate that value to the proper control value for the alu. This component has been provided as part of this lab for you.

The only other pertinent instructions use the I-format. The instruction we care about are the lw and sw instructions. These two instructions use the ALU to compute effective addresses. The MIPS controller will indicate that either of these two instructions need the ALU by assigning the value 0 or 1 to alu_op. This functionality is implemented for you in alu_control.v

Getting started

As with Lab 01, you will create a repository using the original GitHub repository as a template.

To create your repository from the template, got to "Use this template" -> "Create a new repository". On the next page, name your new repository, Lab02-ALU is a good choice. Be sure to select Private to ensure that others cannot see this repository. Any repository that is public will have points deducted from it. This is easily fixable if you forget, and you can always submit to Gradescope after changing to get full credit. Finally, click on "Create repository from template", and you're ready to go.

Additionally, you will test your design in Digital using mips_alu.dig. This file uses your implementation of the ALU and the supplied implementation of the ALU controller in alu_control.v. All the wiring is already done and the tests have been created for you. All you need to do is run the tests and verify that your implementation of the ALU is correct. Once all the tests are passing, you will write these same tests in the Verilog test bench. The table below has the inputs for 22 tests and the expected outputs if the ALU is designed correclty.

Test Cases

alu_op instr_5_0 A B zero result
2 0x24 0x1111 0xffff 0 0x1111
2 0x24 0x0000 0xffff 1 0x0000
2 0x25 0x1111 0xffff 0 0xffff
2 0x25 0x0000 0x0000 1 0x0000
2 0x20 0x0001 0xffff 0 0x10000
2 0x20 0x1111 0xffff 0 0x11110
2 0x20 0x0001 0xffffffff 1 0x0000
2 0x20 0x0001 0xfffffffe 0 0xffffffff
2 0x22 0x0001 0xffffffff 0 0x0002
2 0x22 0xffffffff 0x0001 0 0xfffffffe
2 0x22 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 1 0x0000
2 0x22 0x0001 0x0001 1 0x0000
2 0x2A 0x0002 0x0002 1 0x0000
2 0x2A 0x0002 0x0001 1 0x0000
2 0x2A 0x0001 0x0002 0 0x0001
2 0x2A 0xffffffff 0x0001 0 0x0001
2 0x2A 0x0001 0xffffffff 1 0x0000
2 0x27 0x1111 0xffff 0 0xffff0000
2 0x27 0x0000 0x0000 0 0xffffffff
0 0x27 0x0001 0xffff 0 0x10000
1 0x2A 0xffff 0x0001 0 0xfffe
1 0x24 0x0001 0x0001 1 0x0000


For this lab you are expected to build an ALU that supports arithmetic operations for the MIPS insturctions lw, sw, add, sub, and, or, nor, lt using the template provided (alu.v) in the template repository. Additionally, you will submit your test bench in lab02_tb.v that implements and passes all the tests in the table above.

ALU Specification

  • The file name ​must​ be named "alu.v​"
  • The module name ​must​ be named "alu​"
  • The module ​must​ ​register​ all outputs (​reg​)
  • The module ​must​ have input/output ports with the ​EXACT​ names listed below
  • The test bench file name ​must​ be named "lab01_tb.v​"
Inputs Size Direction Description
alu_control 4-bits input ALU Operation
A 32-bits input Int input
B 32-bits input Int input
zero 1-bit output 0 if result is 0
result 32-bits output Result of ALU operation
  • The ALU module ​must​ support the operations listed below
Operation Control
bit-wise AND b0000
bit-wise OR b0001
ADD b0010
Less Than b0111
bit-wise NOR b1100

The ​zero​ port should be '​1​' when the ​result​ port is all zeros. Furthermore, for all operations above, the operands and result are signed.

Writing the Test-Bench

Next, you will write the test-bench (lab02_tb.v) for the ALU you will be designing. The test-bench should include tests you see in the table above in the Test Cases section of this lab write-up. The first test case is already in the test bench. You will then use that code to implement the rest of the tests above.

The Lab Report

Now create a file name and use GitHub markdown to write your lab report. This lab report will be short and contains only two sections. The first section will provide all the values give in the test cases table as decimal signed integers. Just copy the table and replace all the hexadecimal values their correct decimal value. The numbers are given in this table in two's complement form. If you don't remember this format you can look it up on Google.

The second part of your report will briefly state any issues you encountered while completing this lab. Issues like bugs or test cases that didn't pass. Also describe any fixes. You may also include feedback about this lab such as pointing out errors in the lab write-up or suggestions for improvements.

Make sure to add this file to your repository and the commit and push the repository to GitHub. You'll submit your lab to Gradescrope using the GitHub repository.


Each student ​must​ turn in their repository from GitHub to Gradescope. The contents of which should be:

  • A file with your name and email address, and the content described above
  • All Verilog file(s) used in this lab (implementation and test benches).

If your file does not synthesize or simulate properly, you will receive a 0 on the lab.


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