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Lab 3 - The Datapath Control Unit


For this lab you will be building the control units for a MIPS processor. See the next figure.

FIGURE 4.17  The simple datapath with the control unit.

There are two control units. The main control unit manages the datapath. It receives an opcode input from the currently executing instructions and based on this opcode it configures the datapath accordingly. A truth table for the unit functionality (shown below) can be found in the slides of CS161. The table (read vertically) shows the output for R-format, lw, sw and beq instructions, additionally, you will need to implement the immediate type addi instruction. To do this, you will trace through the datapath (shown above) to determine which control lines will need to be set.

Control Signal name R-format lw sw beq addi
Inputs Op5 0 1 1 0 0
Op4 0 0 0 0 0
Op3 0 0 1 0 1
Op2 0 0 0 1 0
Op1 0 1 1 0 0
Op0 0 1 1 0 0
Outputs RegDst 1 0 X X ?
ALUSrc 0 1 1 0 ?
MemtoReg 0 1 X X ?
RegWrite 1 1 0 0 ?
MemRead 0 1 0 0 ?
MemWrite 0 0 1 0 ?
Branch 0 0 0 1 ?
ALUOp1 1 0 0 0 ?
AluOp0 0 0 0 1 ?

Table 1. The control function for the simple one-clock implementation. Read each column vertically. I.e. if the Op[5:0] is 000000, the RegDst would be ‘1’, ALUSrc would be ‘0’, etc. You will need to fill in the imm column. Based on Figure D.2.4 from the book.

The second control unit manages the ALU. It receives an ALU opcode from the datapath controller and the ‘Funct Field’ from the current instruction. With these, the ALU controller decides what operation the ALU is to perform. The following figures from the CS161 slides give an idea of the inputs and outputs of the ALU controller.

Input Output
Instruction Code ALUOp Instruction operation Funct field Desired ALU action ALU select input
addi ?? Add Immediate XXXXXX add 0010
lw 00 Load word XXXXXX add 0010
sw 00 Store word XXXXXX add 0010
beq 01 Branch equal XXXXXX subtract 0110
R-type 10 add 100000 add 0010
R-type 10 subtract 100010 subtract 0110
R-type 10 AND 100100 and 0000
R-type 10 OR 100101 or 0001
R-type 10 NOR 100111 nor 1100
R-type 10 Set on less than 101010 Set on less than 0111
ALU select bits based on ALUop, and Funct field

Test Bench

For this laboratory you will write the test cases for the test bench in both Digital and Verilog ((lab03_tb.v)[./lab03_tb.v]). If you open lab03.dig in Digital you will find a circuit with the control module from this lab and also has alu_control and alu from Lab 02. In order to run the test bench for this lab you'll need to copy alu_control.v and alu.v from Lab 02 into the directory of this lab. Next, you'll need to add the tests cases to the Test component in Digital. If you right click on the green Test component titled "Lab 03 Test Bench" you will see a text editor with one line that has all the inputs and outputs for the tests. When you first open this componenet you should see something like the following:

Instruction A          B        zero     result     reg\_dst branch mem\_read mem\_to\_reg alu\_op mem\_write alu\_src reg\_write

To add the test cases to this test bench you need to add the following values to this text editor:

instruction A B zero result reg_dst branch mem_read mem_to_reg alu_op mem_write alu_src reg_write
0x00000024 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0001 0 0x0001 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
0x00000025 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0001 0 0xFFFFFFFF 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
0x00000020 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0001 1 0x0000 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
0x00000022 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0001 0 0xFFFFFFFE 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
0x0000002A 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0001 0 0x0001 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
0x00000027 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0001 1 0x0000 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
0x20000004 0xfffffffb 0x0004 0 0xffffffff ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?
0x8C000020 0x000000FF 0x0020 0 0x011F 0 0 1 1 00 0 1 1
0xAC000064 0x000000FF 0x0064 0 0x0163 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 0
0x10000025 0x000000FF 0x0025 0 0x00DA 0 1 0 0 01 0 0 0

Notice that on the line that begins with the instruction value 0x20000004, the addi instruction, has ?. You'll need to replace these question marks with the actual values you determined to be necessary to carry out the add instruction in immediate mode.

Once you've entrered all the test cases, run them. If you haven't put your code in control.v yet, all the tests should fail. If you have already implemented it properly, then all will pass. Run the tests, and fix your code until all the tests pass.

Once you have all the tests passing, you'll add the same test cases to lab03_tb.v. Like in the last lab, I give you the first and you'll use the test_case task to run each test. Add all the test cases with the values above and run your synthesized test bench. Once all tests pass here (which they should if they all passed in Digital), you're done.


For this lab, you are expected to build and test both the datapath using the template provided (control.v) and ALU control (alu_control.v, from Lab 02) units. Additionally, you'll have the ALU ('alu.v'). The target processor architecture will only support a subset of the MIPS instructions, listed below. You only have to offer control for these instructions. Signal values can be found within your textbook (and in the images above).

  • add, addi
  • sub,
  • slt
  • not*, nor
  • or
  • and
  • lw, sw
  • beq

* not is not an instruction, it is a pseudo-op, which means it can be implemented using other operations. Think about how you would implement it using the other operations.

The Lab Report

Finally, create a file called and use GitHub markdown to write your lab report. This lab report will again be short, and comprised of two sections. The first section is a description of each test case. This description just needs to include which instruction is being tested in each test case. The second section should be a description of the difference between the control signals output for the instructions add and addi. Most of the signals are the same, but some are different. Describe in a sentence or two for teach different signal, why they are different based on the datapath diagram.


Each student must turn in their repository from GitHub to Gradescope. The contents of which should be:

  • A file with your name and email address, and the content described above
  • All Verilog file(s) used in this lab (implementation and test benches).

If your file does not synthesize or simulate properly, you will receive a 0 on the lab.


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