Automation of the post-processing of propulsion test data and the online archive for test results.
To sign into GCP use the CLI command:
gcloud auth login
Enable API:
gcloud services enable
Set the project:
gcloud config set project avionics-propulsion-pipeline
Before testing the functions, you need to set the environment variables for the functions:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/storage-admin.json"
Deploying a function:
gcloud functions deploy <FunctionName> \
--runtime go123 \
--trigger-http \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--region us-west1
It is important that <FunctionName>
is the name of the function you want to deploy and must be part of a package called function
in a file called main.go
A cache tree is represented as follows for multiple X columns.
├─ PreviewMetadata
├─ x/
│ ├─ (X) someYColumnName
│ ├─ (X) anotherYColumnName
│ └─ (X) yetAnotherYColumnName
└─ y/
├─ someYColumnName
├─ anotherYColumnName
└─ yetAnotherYColumnName
Or, if there is only one X column.
├─ PreviewMetadata
├─ x/
│ └─ X_Value
└─ y/
├─ someYColumnName
├─ anotherYColumnName
└─ yetAnotherYColumnName
Where each of these files that is not a directory is a binary data containing the data for the corresponding column or metadata. With this structure, only the necessary data is loaded into memory, and the data is only loaded when it is requested.