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Justin Szaday edited this page Dec 19, 2021 · 1 revision

CharmLite Overview

All chares in CharmLite are members of collections, where collections are specializations of the collection<T, Mapper> class. Here, T is a user-defined chare-type, and a Mapper maps chare-indices to PEs. All chares must be descendants of the chare<T, Index> class where Index defines their index-type (e.g., std::tuple<int, int> for 2D chares). Chare indices may use up to 128-bits of storage (on most machines), and must have equality and additive operators and an index_view specialization.



In CharmLite, there are two types of collection proxies:

  • collection_proxy<T> -- A generic collection of T-type chares with no inherent size restrictions.
  • group_proxy<T, bool Node> -- A collection of T-type chares with, either, one member per worker or per process.


Collections can be constructed with the static-method collection<T>::construct<(Message|void), Mapper?>((Message|void), collection_options?). A default mapper is used when one is not specified. Options may be used to indicate an initial set of elements; when they are provided, each element is constructed with a copy of the message indicated by Message (if void is provided, the default constructor is assumed).

Important: A collection without any initial elements is assumed as in an "inserting" state, see below.

Node/group collections may be constructed via: group_proxy<T, Node?>::construct<(Message|void)>(Message|void). Note, groups are not user-configurable since they imply a default set of elements to construct.

Member access

The members of collections are accessible via the [] operator, which returns a corresponding element_proxy<T>.

Static Insertion

Outside of phases of "static" insertion, only chares within a collective can insert new elements. Within "static" insertion phases, however, any entity can call insert on an element-proxy to insert an element. To start a phase of static insertion, call begin_inserting on one PE. Then, when it is complete, call done_inserting (likewise on one PE). Collective operations (i.e., broadcasts and reductions) are buffered during static insertion phases, and will not complete until they conclude. An example flow may resemble:

auto col = collective_proxy<T>::construct();
for (auto i = 0; i < n; i++) {


One may call an entry method on all members of a collection using the broadcast<Message|void, Entry>(Message|void) routine. The Entry parameter is a member-function of the class that accepts (Message|void) as its parameter.


One may construct a callback that corresponds to a broadcast over all members using the: callback<Message|void, Entry>(Message|void).



As with the collection_proxy<...>::broadcast method, one can send a message to a single chare element using their send method.


Element proxies also implement the callback method, which functions identically to its collection-counterpart, albeit constructing a callback that sends a message to a single element.


Chares can contribute to reductions over a collection through their element proxy.