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Final Project (100 points total)

Your Final Project has the following steps:

  • Choose group members (3 pts)
  • Schedule your time (2 pts)
  • Design the project (10 pts)
  • Implement the project (50 pts)
  • Present a summary of your work to the class and evaluate other group's presentations (25 pts)
  • Final Summary (10 pts)

Choose group members (3 points)

Choose your group members and record that information in the repository.

Schedule your time (2 points)

Have a presentation date/time picked out. We'll use most of the last two weeks for presentations, along with course evals, final exam wrap-up, and the like.

Design the project (10 points)

Decide what you are going to cover and provide a summary in your repository. Your summary should not contain filler and should be at least one page.

Your design should include the following:

  • WHAT you intend to do (more details on that below).
  • WHO will be reponsible for each aspect of the project and what they will contribute (more on that below too).

WHAT (4 points)

You can implement a project using existing technology. Some past projects have included:

  • A pokedex using mySQL
  • A playlist management system for KUMM using mySQL
  • A train simulation system using mongoDB
  • A system for keeping track of animal pedigrees using Neo4J

You can also describe a database technology (or, more broadly, a data storage technology) that we don't cover (or that we don't cover in as much detail as you would like). Some past projects have included:

  • An introduction to MUMPS (a medical database language and system)
  • Database aspects of arcGIS

There are a host of database and storage/retrieval tools out there that we don't have time to cover in this class, but which would certainly be quite interesting. Examples include:

  • redis
  • cassandra
  • CouchDB
  • Neo4J
  • Triplestore or RDF store DBs and semantic queries, or SPARQL
  • OpenTSDB
  • Hadoop HDFS

You should provide a reasonable summary of what you will do/cover but it does not need to be exhaustive at the very beginning (I expect this document to evolve over time).

Points will be assigned for

  • Clarity of description (+2)
  • Completeness of description (+2)

WHO (5 points)

This is the section where you detail each team member's responsibilities. This is the contract that you are making with your teammates and each person's ability to live up to their obligations will, in part, determine their final grade. (more on that below)

You should come up with 50 points worth of activities for each person (it's okay for some tasks to be shared). You are deciding the criterion by which I will judge your project and your participation in the project. You may change details as you work on your project and your understanding evolves, but only with the approval of your teammates and myself.

If your project is applicationm based, then your points and activites will revolve around implementing your application. You will present your application to the class in the Presentation stage of the project (the presentation stage is a separate source of points-- so don't assign yourself points for presenting.)

If your project is explanatory based, then your points and activities will revolve around producing a written explanation of your desired technology HOWEVER, you may also choose to gain points for in-class tutorials where you teach aspects of your technology.
These tutorials are in addition to your overall presentation (which is a seperate source of points.)

Format/Structure (1 point)

Is the document easy to understand and complete? Is it free of spelling and grammatical errors, etc.

DEADLINE: Before Thanksgiving break

Implement the Project (50 points)

This is where you actually make the project a reality. The 50 points are from your design document subject to my approval.

Presentation to class (25 points)

The presentation should be 5 minutes for each person in the group. The presentation should include a slide-show of some sort with contributions from all group members, both in the slides and in the presentation. Your presentation should feel like a coherent presentation, and not a disjoint set of semi-related topics.

Points will be awarded for

  • clarity
  • organization and focus
  • presentation style
  • technical content
  • informativeness
  • class response

Be sure to say

  • What you did
  • Why you did it
  • How well it worked

There is no absolute breakdown of points for this step because there will be such a difference between application presentations and explanatory presentations.

Points will be removed for failing to provide good feedback to other groups. Except in the case of emergency, absences must be pre-arranged and pre-approved.

Expect to be penalized harshly for not attending another group's presentation. Google forms will be made available for feedback.

We have 25 students so we're looking at about 2.5 hours ... so we should set aside the last week of class for our presentations.

FINAL SUMMARY (10 points)

This is a short summary of your project... What worked, what did not, what would you like to do in the future. Are you willing to share your summary/project details with future classes? It has TWO portions: A group portion (+5 communal points) and an individual one (+5 for each person).

The group portion is informal and should not be particularly long. Include this in your repository. I'm looking for

  • Concise description of the project (including goals)
  • Abstract representation of the data model(s) used (if appropriate)
  • Goals achieved and goals not achieved
  • Potential for future work
  • Overall reaction

The individual portion is where each person lists their reponsibilities from the design document and discusses whether or not they lived up to their end of the bargain. Did duties change? If so, in what way? The individual report is also where you comment on the contributions of your team-mates. Did your team-mates live up to their end of the bargain or not.
If not this is the place to include those details. It would be a good idea to talk to me earlier if you feel somebody on your team is not doing their share... but this is the place to make your voice heard formally. Do NOT include this in the repository-- instead turn it in on the appropriate Canvas assignment.

READ THIS CAREFULLY Not turning in your final summary means you can't do better than C.


final-project-boredom_banisher created by GitHub Classroom






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