The Artifacts for An Extensive Empirical Study of Nondeterministic Behavior in Static Analysis Tools.
- The Artifacts for An Extensive Empirical Study of Nondeterministic Behavior in Static Analysis Tools
This artifact contains the code and data for the paper titled An Extensive Empirical Study of Nondeterministic Behavior in Static Analysis Tools.
The code
directory contains the source code of the non-determinism detection
toolchain (NDDetector) used in RQ2.
The data
directory contains files that support the conclusions made in the two research
questions (RQ1 and RQ2).
We are applying for the Available, Functional, and Reusable badges.
We believe we deserve the Available badge because our artifact is available on Zenodo at (DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14630151) for long-term archiving.
We believe we deserve the Functional and Reusable badges because our artifact can be executed and used to detect nondeterministic behaviors in static analysis tools. Our file gives guidance on how to setup and run the experiments in our paper. This artifact also utilizes Docker to facilitate reuse, as recommended in the ICSE 2025 Call for Artifact Submissions.
The artifact as reported in the original paper is available on Zenodo (
A pre-print of the original paper referencing this artifact can be found here: An Extensive Empirical Study of Nondeterministic Behavior in Static Analysis Tools.
The data
directory contains files that support the conclusions made in the two research questions (RQ1 and RQ2).
Inside the data
directory, there are two sub-directories (rq1
and rq2
In rq1/
there are:
- Contains 85 distinct results from 7 repositories (SOOT, WALA, DOOP, OPAL, FlowDroid, DroidSafe, Infer) that fix or report nondeterminism, each result is an issue with ID, tool name, linked issues/commits, root cause category, and pattern.
- Contains 9 distinct common patterns of nondeterminism, each pattern is described with a pattern ID, description, solution, occurrence in each tool, related results, and a code example.
- Contains the raw commits and issues extracted from 11 repositories (SOOT, DOOP, WALA, OPAL, FlowDroid, DroidSafe, AmanDroid, TAJS, Code2Flow, PyCG, Infer).
- Contains the results extracted by each keyword (concurrency, concurrent, determinism, deterministic, flakiness, flaky) from the raw data.
In rq2/
there are two sub-directories (rq2.1
and rq2.3
In rq2.1/
there are:
- Contains the result distributions of each combination of target program, configuration hash, and tool as well as the calculated consistency score.
In rq2.3/
there are:
12 PDF files of each reported issues discussed in RQ2.3, including 3 FLowDorid issues, 2 SOOT issues, 1 issue for DOOP, OPAL, Infer, Amandroid, PyCG and Code2Flow each. Additionally, there is an email from a FlowDroid developer, serving as a response to the FlowDroid-reported-issue-3. We have tried to anonymize all identifiable information such as IDs, names, or links to maintain confidentiality.
The code
directory contains the source code of the non-determinism detection
toolchain (NDDetector) used in RQ2.
NDDetector is a flexible tool that can be used to detect non-deterministic behaviors in configurable static analysis on a variety of benchmarks. NDDetector can be extended to use alternative analyses, but currently, it can run call graph analyses using WALA, SOOT, DOOP, OPAL, TAJS, PyCG, and Code2Flow, taint analysis on Android applications using FlowDroid, AmanDroid, and DroidSafe, as well as vulnerability detection on C programs using Infer.
- Hardware: This artifact works on Windows, Intel/Apple Silicon Macs, and Linux systems running Intel processors.
- Software:
- A Python executable of version 3.10.x, including the venv and development packages (
on Ubuntu). Note that if you installed viabrew
or the Windows installer, your Python should already have these. - A C and C++ compiler, e.g.,
. - GNU
- For ARM architectures (e.g., Apple Silicon), you may also require
- A Python executable of version 3.10.x, including the venv and development packages (
For example, setting up these dependencies on Ubuntu 22.04 looks like:
sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-dev python3.10-venv g++ gcc make cmake
In addition, you must have a working Docker installation (
To set up the nondeterminism detection framework, we recommend creating a virtual environment.
To do so, navigate to the code/NDDetector
folder and run
python -m venv <name_of_virtual_environment>
where python
points to a Python 3.10 installation. This will create a new folder. If, for example, you named your folder 'venv', then
you can activate it as follows:
source ./venv/bin/activate
This will cause python
to point to the version that you used to create the virtual environment.
In order to install the framework dependencies, from the root directory of the repository, run
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install all of the Python dependencies required. Then, in order to install the application, run
python -m pip install -e .
We require the -e
to be built in-place. Currently, omitting this option will cause the Dockerfile resolution to fail when we try to build tool-specific images.
This installation will put two executables on your system PATH: dispatcher
, and tester
is the command you run from your host, while tester
is the command you run from inside the Docker container (under normal usage, a user
will never invoke tester
themselves, but it can be useful for debugging to skip
container creation.)
Simply run dispatcher --help
from anywhere in order to see the help doc on how to invoke the detection toolchain.
The description for the arguments/options of the dispatcher
are as follows:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t, --tools Static analysis tools to run. Options:
-b, --benchmarks Benchmark programs to run, incompatible tool and benchmark pairs will be skipped. Options:
--tasks Currently a useless option as all tools only support one task. However, this is meant to provide support for tools
that might allow multiple tasks. Options:
--no-cache, -n Build images without cache.
--jobs JOBS, -j JOBS Number of jobs to spawn in each container.
Number of iterations to run.
--timeout TIMEOUT The timeout to pass to the static analysis tool in minutes.
--verbose, -v Level of verbosity (more v's gives more output)
--results RESULTS Location to write results.
--nondex Run java tools with NonDex.
For artifact reviewers:
We provide smaller experiments to verify the functionality of the artifact in the Basic Usage Example
section, as replicating the major paper results is expected to take thousands of hours of machine time.
We suggest artifact reviewers use FlowDroid or SOOT, as these tools are relatively faster and more likely to exhibit nondeterministic behaviors compare to other tools, which tend to be slower to build, require significant system memory, or are challenging for capturing nondeterminism.
We have provided small versions of the Droidbench and CATS Microbenchmark under the names icse25-ezbench
, respectively. These benchmarks each contain one program that exhibited nondeterministic behaviors:
contains JavaThread2.apk.icse25-ezcats
contains TC1.jar.
First, navigate to the code/NDDetector
Then, to run FlowDroid on icse25-ezbench
using Strategy I (as discussed in Section IV.A.d in our paper), run the following command:
# Expected running time is around 10-15 minutes.
dispatcher -t flowdroid -b icse25-ezbench --tasks taint -i 5
To run SOOT on icse25-ezcats
using Strategy I, run the following command:
# Expected running time is around 10-20 minutes.
dispatcher -t soot -b icse25-ezcats --tasks cg -i 5
where -i 5
can be configured to the number of iterations you wish to run. This will create a results
folder. Details on how to read the contents of this folder are below.
By default, the output will be stored in a results folder, but the location of the results can be controlled with the --results-location
We explain the structure of the results through the FlowDroid example above, where we run FlowDroid on the icse25-ezbench
|- flowdroid
| |- icse25-ezbench
| | |- iteration0
| | | |- configurations
| | | | |- 1e9c00f5704518e138859b037784c841
| | | | |- 3d42058705611ed0e83612b6dff38a35
| | | | |- ...
| | | |- .1e9c00f5704518e138859b037784c841_JavaThread2-debug.apk.raw.log
| | | |- .1e9c00f5704518e138859b037784c841_JavaThread2-debug.apk.raw.time
| | | |- .3d42058705611ed0e83612b6dff38a35_JavaThread2-debug.apk.raw.log
| | | |- .3d42058705611ed0e83612b6dff38a35_JavaThread2-debug.apk.raw.time
| | | |- ...
| | | |- 1e9c00f5704518e138859b037784c841_JavaThread2-debug.apk.raw
| | | |- 3d42058705611ed0e83612b6dff38a35_JavaThread2-debug.apk.raw
| | | |- ...
|- non_determinism
| |- flowdroid
| | |- icse25-ezbench
| | | |- 7b5480bdb06b2ff39ebfb2bcedd2f657_JavaThread2.apk.raw
| | | | |- run-0
| | | | |- run-1
| | | | |- ...
The results of each iteration are stored in their respective folders. For each configuration-program pair, three files are generated, each with a different extension: .raw
, .raw.log
, and .raw.time
. These files correspond to the results produced by the tool, which will be processed by the ToolReader implementation, the log for each experiment, and the execution time for each experiment, respectively.
Configurations in the results are represented as hash values. You can see what configuration a hash value represents by looking in the configuration folder. In this example, configuration 1e9c00f5704518e138859b037784c841 corresponds to the configuration --aplength 10 --cgalgo RTA --nothischainreduction --dataflowsolver CONTEXTFLOWSENSITIVE --aliasflowins --singlejoinpointabstraction --staticmode CONTEXTFLOWSENSITIVE --nostatic --codeelimination PROPAGATECONSTS --implicit ALL --callbackanalyzer FAST --maxcallbackspercomponent 1 --maxcallbacksdepth 1 --enablereflection --pathalgo CONTEXTSENSITIVE --taintwrapper NONE
The results of non-determinism detection can be found in the non_determinism
folder (if any nondeterminism is detected).
This folder maintains all non-deterministic results across 5 iterations, each batch of results is stored under a folder named as configration-hash_apk-name.apk.raw
Note: The detected nondeterminism may vary across experiments for the same tool-benchmark pair.
In our example, one detected non-determinism is on JavaThread2.apk
under configuration 7b5480bdb06b2ff39ebfb2bcedd2f657
To run FlowDroid on icse25-ezbench
using Strategy II (as discussed in Section IV.A.d in our paper), run the following command:
# Expected running time is around 10-15 minutes.
dispatcher -t flowdroid -b icse25-ezbench --tasks taint -i 5 --results ./results_II --nondex
To run SOOT on icse25-ezcats
using Strategy II, run the following command:
# Expected running time is around 60-90 minutes.
dispatcher -t soot -b icse25-ezcats --tasks cg -i 5 --results ./results_II --nondex
This will create a results_II
folder. The results of non-determinism detection can be found in the results_II/non_determinism
folder (if any nondeterminism is detected).
Then, navigate to the scripts/analysis
The script
is used to detect additional nondeterminisms from the Strategy II results (as discussed at the end of Section IV.A.d in our paper).
Run the following commands to detect the additional nondeterminisms for FlowDroid and SOOT:
python --origin ../../results --nondex ../../results_II flowdroid icse25-ezbench taint 5
python --origin ../../results --nondex ../../results_II soot icse25-ezcats cg 5
These commands output the detected additional nondeterminisms to the scripts/analysis/results/non_determinism_2
folder (if any additional nondeterminism is detected).
In the scripts/analysis
directory, the script
aggregates the detected nondeterminism results for each specified tool-benchmark pair for both strategies.
Run the following commands to generate aggregated results for all nondeterminisms detected above:
# if any nondeterminism is detected by running FlowDroid on icse25-ezbench using Strategy I
python --path ../../results/non_determinism flowdroid icse25-ezbench
# if any additional nondeterminism is detected by running FlowDroid on icse25-ezbench using Strategy II
python --path ./results/non_determinism_2 flowdroid icse25-ezbench --nondex
# if any nondeterminism is detected by running SOOT on icse25-ezcats using Strategy I
python --path ../../results/non_determinism soot icse25-ezcats
# if any additional nondeterminism is detected by running SOOT on icse25-ezcats using Strategy II
python --path ./results/non_determinism_2 soot icse25-ezcats --nondex
Each command generates a CSV file named <tool>_<benchmark>.csv
or <tool>_<benchmark>_nondex.csv
in the scripts/analysis/results/postprocess
folder (if the provided nondeterminism folder exists). It calculates the percentage of consistent results and the number of distinct results.
Replicating the major results from the paper is expected to require thousands of hours of machine time and significant system memory. Please ensure that sufficient computing resources are available before running these commands. For reference, the experiments in our paper were conducted on two servers:
- Server 1: 384GB of RAM, 2 Intel Xeon Gold 5218 16-core CPUs @ 2.30GHz.
- Server 2: 144GB of RAM, 2 Intel Xeon Silver 4116 12-core CPUs @ 2.10GHz.
Note that as of this writing, PyCG experiments cannot be replicated due to errors encountered when running PyCG on the Ubuntu system. We haven't been able able to fix it because PyCG has been archived and is no longer maintained by its development team.
The following 24 commands will run experiments for all tool/benchmark combinations using Strategy I, excluding PyCG. Alternatively, you can execute the shell script
dispatcher -t flowdroid -b droidbench --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t flowdroid -b fossdroid-all-apks --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 60
dispatcher -t amandroid -b droidbench --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t amandroid -b fossdroid-all-apks --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 60
dispatcher -t droidsafe -b droidbench --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 60
dispatcher -t droidsafe -b fossdroid-all-apks --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 120
dispatcher -t soot -b cats-microbenchmark --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 15
dispatcher -t soot -b dacapo-2006 --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 120
dispatcher -t wala -b cats-microbenchmark --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t wala -b dacapo-2006 --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 60
dispatcher -t doop -b cats-microbenchmark --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 30
dispatcher -t doop -b dacapo-2006 --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 120
dispatcher -t opal -b cats-microbenchmark --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t opal -b dacapo-2006 --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 30
dispatcher -t infer -b itc-benchmarks --task violation -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 30
dispatcher -t infer -b toybox --task violation -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 30
dispatcher -t infer -b sqlite --task violation -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 30
dispatcher -t infer -b openssl --task violation -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 30
dispatcher -t tajs -b sunspider_test --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t tajs -b jquery --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 120
dispatcher -t wala-js -b sunspider_test --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t wala-js -b jquery --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 120
dispatcher -t code2flow -b pycg-micro --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 5
dispatcher -t code2flow -b pycg-macro --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 5
The next 8 commands will run experiments for all compatible analysis tool/benchmark combinations using Strategy II. This includes running Soot, FlowDroid, Amandroid, and TAJS on their respective benchmarks. Alternatively, you can execute the shell script
dispatcher -t flowdroid -b droidbench --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 5 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t flowdroid -b fossdroid-all-apks --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 60 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t amandroid -b droidbench --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 5 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t amandroid -b fossdroid-all-apks --task taint -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 60 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t soot -b cats-microbenchmark --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 15 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t soot -b dacapo-2006 --task cg -j 10 -i 5 --timeout 120 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t tajs -b sunspider_test --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 5 --results ./results_II --nondex
dispatcher -t tajs -b jquery --task cg -j 10 -i 10 --timeout 120 --results ./results_II --nondex
Then, navigate to the scripts/analysis
Use the following command to detect additional nondeterminisms from the Strategy II results:
python --origin <path-to-strategy-I-results-folder> --nondex <path-to-strategy-II-results-folder> <tool> <benchmark> <task> <iteration>
This command outputs the detected additional nondeterminisms to the scripts/analysis/results/non_determinism_2
We run this script for all compatible analysis tool/benchmark combinations for Strategy II. This includes running Soot, FlowDroid, Amandroid, and TAJS on their respective benchmarks.
The results from all the above steps correspond to those presented in Tables V and VI.
Next, run the following commands to aggregate Strategy I and II results for each specified tool-benchmark pair, respectively:
# Aggregate Strategy I results.
python --path <path-to-non_determinism-folder> <tool> <benchmark>
# Aggregate Strategy II results.
python --path <path-to-non_determinism-folder> <tool> <benchmark> --nondex
Each command generates a CSV file in the scripts/analysis/results/postprocess
folder, aggregating all results for the specified tool-benchmark pair. It also calculates the percentage of consistent results and the number of distinct results.
We run this command for every tool-benchmark pair for Strategy I and II, if its respective nondeterminism folder exists. These results are then consolidated into a single file: ICSE2025_AGGREGATE_DATA.csv
Additionally, we provide a Jupyter notebook, scripts/notebooks/graphs.ipynb
, to generate figures 3 and 4 for RQ2.2
. This notebook requires ICSE2025_AGGREGATE_DATA.csv
as input, containing all results from the CSVs generated by the
script. It is designed to work with the complete dataset, including non-determinism data from all eight tools discussed in the paper.