Productivity-app is a web application inspired by 100 Blocks a Day by Tim urban. We get 24 hours each day which is 144 ten-minute blocks.It’s always good to step back and think about how we’re using those 144 blocks we get each day.You’d have to think about everything you might spend your time doing in the context of its worth in blocks. Cooking dinner requires three blocks, while ordering in requires zero—is cooking dinner worth three blocks to you? Is 10 minutes of meditation a day important enough to dedicate a block to it?
- React
- Redux
- Firebase
- react-selecto
- Material UI
- Google Authentication with Firebase.
- CR*D Tasks with corresponding Blocks of time.
- Save Your Current state to the Firebase.
- Clone this repository using Git.
- Go to the root folder
$ cd productivity-app
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Run Project
$ npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.\
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.