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Releases: Unidata/tds

THREDDS Data Server v5.6

22 Jan 21:03
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Version 5.6

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.6 release was announced on January 22nd, 2025. his release contains a number of fixes for user-reported problems, as well as several upgrades to third party libraries. For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Important information about this release

  1. TDS v5.6 moved from Spring v5 to v6, and as a result, the TDS now requires the use of Java 17 and a Jakarta EE 9+ compatible servlet container (e.g. Tomcat 10).
  2. The move to Java 17 requires the use of additional JVM options to allow for the chronicle-map dependency to work properly. Please see the example contents in the TDS documentation.
  3. The version of edal-java used by the TDS has been updated. This dependency implements the WMS service provided by the TDS. The edal-java update includes an update to one of its 3rd party dependencies in which the existing coordinate transform database may be incompatible with the new release. If this is the case, the TDS will fail to start after the upgrade, and the stacktrace in the log files will hint at a possible h2 database incompatibility. To fix this issue, you will need to remove the ${tds.content.root.path}/hredds/cache/edal-java/epsg/.h2 directory.

Notable additions

Features and Improvements

Notable bug fixes

Additionally, this release contains many 3rd party dependency upgrades and documentation improvements.

Full Changelog: v5.5...v5.6


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war, THREDDS Data Manager jar, and threddsISO plugin, please visit


THREDDS Data Server documentation

Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the TDS GitHub issue tracker, the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), or through the Unidata support system ([email protected]).

THREDDS Data Server v5.5

16 Jul 17:40
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Version 5.5

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.5 release was announced on July 16th, 2024. This release contains a number of fixes for user-reported problems, as well as several upgrades to third party libraries. For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Notable Changes

See here for a full list of commits.

Features and improvements:

  • Improvements to NCSS
    • Work with ensemble coordinate
    • Add netcdf4ext to supported formats if netcdf-c library is present
  • DatasetScan support for S3 datasets
  • UGRID support
  • Dap4 improvements
  • Cache properties configurable for ChronicleMap caches
  • Allow regex matching of notebooks viewers
  • New notebook viewer
  • Experimental Zarr v2 support
  • Add styles directory to WMS config

Notable bug fixes

  • Fix NCSS issues:
    • Lat/lon subsetting bugs
    • Improve Any_point writer for NCSS
    • Fail fast if request is too large
    • Fix supported formats
    • Fix map widget to remove NaNs
    • Fix GridAsPoint profile subsetting bugs
  • WMS not returning updated datasets and various cache improvements
  • Fix S3 performance issues
  • Fix enhancements performance issues
  • Fix custom thymeleaf fragments
  • Fix scale/offset applied twice
  • Remove exposed files paths from error messages
  • Fix link to parent catalog
  • Remove hard-coded thredds context
  • Fix bug to return closest to present instead of latest
  • Fix performance issue that aggregation cache was not used for coverages
  • Allow RandomAccessFile cache to cleanup deleted files

Other notable changes:

  • Remove reify and upload/download
  • Move to jakarta namespace
  • Remove -ea from JAVA_OPTS
  • Remove threddsIso from TDS war file. This must now be added manually.

The following 3rd party libraries have been upgrades to address security vulnerabilities and issues:

  • chronicle-map
  • spring
  • spring-security
  • json
  • thymeleaf
  • hibernate
  • validation-api
  • el-api
  • el


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war, THREDDS Data Manager jar, and threddsISO plugin, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.

THREDDS Data Server v5.4

05 Jul 17:53
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Version 5.4

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.4 release was announced on July 5th, 2021. This release contains a number of fixes for user-reported problems, as well as several upgrades to third party libraries. For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Notable changes

  1. This release uses the newest release of netCDF-Java, v5.5.3
  2. Several bugs have been fixed in the NetcdfSubsetService
  3. The FeatureCollection cache is now configurable through threddsConfig
  4. The HTTPServer service is now supported for cloud-hosted data
  5. Several third party libraries have been upgraded, including Spring, Jackson, and log4j

For a full list of changes and bug fixes between TDS v5.3 and v5.4, please visit v5.3...v5.4


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.

THREDDS Data Server v5.3

20 Dec 22:30
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Version 5.3

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.3 release was announced on December 20th, 2021. This is a minor release of the 5x TDS that was released to address a critical 3rd party security updates. For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Important information about this release

  1. This release uses the newest release of netCDF-Java, v5.5.1
  2. This release addresses several security vulnerabilities


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.

THREDDS Data Server v5.2

10 Dec 22:49
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Version 5.2

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.2 release was announced on December10th, 2021. This is a minor release of the 5x TDS that was released to address a critical 3rd party security update (see here). For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Important information about this release

  1. This release addresses a critical 3rd party library security vulnerability.


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.

THREDDS Data Server v5.1

07 Dec 17:37
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Version 5.1

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.1 release was announced on December 1st, 2021. This is a minor release that includes several bug fixes and security updates; there are no major changes relative to v5.0. For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Important information about this release

  1. This is the second release of the TDS version 5. Note, that does not mean it is bug free, just feature complete.
  2. TDS v5 now requires the use of Java 11 at a minimum. We recommend the Temurin binaries from the Eclipse Adoptium project (formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK). These can be obtained from


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.

THREDDS Data Server v5.0

13 Oct 19:35
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Version 5.0

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.0 release was announced on September 20th, 2021. This is the first release of the 5.x TDS and includes many bug fixes, enhancements, and a variety of updates to 3rd party libraries which include security updates. For details on TDS 5, and tips on how to migrate from version 4, please visit

Important information about this release

  1. This is the first release of the TDS version 5. Note, that does not mean it is bug free, just feature complete.
  2. TDS v5 now requires the use of Java 11 at a minimum. We recommend the Temurin binaries from the Eclipse Adoptium project (formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK). These can be obtained from


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.


01 Sep 16:42
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v5.0.0-beta9 Pre-release

THREDDS Data Server v5.0.0 beta 9

Version 5.0.0-beta9

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.0.0-beta9 release was announced on September 1st, 2021. This is a beta release and includes many bug fixes, enhancements, and a variety of updates to 3rd party libraries which include security updates. For details on TDS 5, please visit

Important information about this release

  1. This is the first release of the TDS version 5 that is "feature complete" with the TDS version 4.6.x. Note, that does not mean it is bug free, just feature complete (for example, the functionality of wmsConfig.xml should work with the new WMS server included with TDS 5).
  2. This is anticipated to be the last beta release of TDS 5. Based on feedback, the TDS 5 could be marked stable in as little as two weeks.
  3. TDS v5 now requires the use of Java 11 at a minimum. We recommend the Temurin binaries from the Eclipse Adoptium project (formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK). These can be obtained from


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.


18 Jun 13:31
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v5.0.0-beta8 Pre-release

THREDDS Data Server beta 8

Version 5.0.0-beta8

This release addresses a critical bug in both the netCDF-Java library and the THREDDS Data Server. The TDS NetcdfSubsetService uses DiskCache2 and any requests in which the return format is netCDF (3 or 4) could be impacted by the bug. THIS BUG MAY LEAD TO DATA CORRUPTION OR FILES WITH INCORRECT DATA AND/OR METADATA. For more information, please see DiskCache2 Issue in netCDF-Java Library. Because of this, it is strongly recommended that anyone running previous SNAPSHOT or beta versions of the TDS upgrade to beta8.

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.0.0-beta8 release was announced on June 17th, 2020. This is a beta release and includes many bug fixes, enhancements, and a variety of updates to 3rd party libraries which include security updates. For details on TDS 5, please visit


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


For downloads of the THREDDS Data Server war and THREDDS Data Manager jar, please visit


Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.


29 Jul 14:30
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v5.0.0-beta7 Pre-release

THREDDS Data Server

Version 5.0.0-beta7

The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) version 5.0.0-beta7 release was announced on July 29th, 2019. This is a beta release and includes many bug fixes, enhancements, and a variety of updates to 3rd party libraries which include security updates. For details on the major changes in this beta, please visit


Prior to version 5, the netCDF-Java/CDM library and the THREDDS Data Server (TDS) have been built and released together. Starting with version 5, these two packages have been decoupled, allowing new features or bug fixes to be implemented in each package separately, and released independently.


Artifact Description
tdmFat.jar The THREDDS Data Manager (TDM) does background indexing for GRIB Feature Collections. [md5] [sha1]
thredds.war The THREDDS Data Server web application. Please note that you will need to rename the download to thredds.war, or, if you are using tomcat, thredds##5.0.0-beta7.war. [md5] [sha1]



Please visit

For a full list of changes between TDS 4.x and v5.0.0, you will need to run the following git command locally, as the commit history is too large to show through the github interface:

git log --oneline master...3b25fee

There are over 2600 commits in v5.0 since development began. Note: We do not intend on having such a long or complex development cycle in the future.

Real-world use by the user community is integral to the process of creating and refining the TDS. Please direct all potential security issues directly to Unidata using the address [email protected]. Please send all other potential issues to the development team via the the user community mailing lists ([email protected]), through the Unidata support system ([email protected]), or on the TDS GitHub issue tracker.