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Added the Fourier-Malliavin volatility estimation library
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SS authored and SS committed Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 06206f6 commit bc7f861
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Showing 50 changed files with 3,888 additions and 0 deletions.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_int_cov.html

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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_int_lev.html

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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_int_quart.html

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53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_int_vol.html

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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_int_volvol.html

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112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_spot_cov.html

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117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_spot_lev.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_spot_quart.html

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100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_spot_vol.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/FM_spot_volvol.html

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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/Heston1D.html

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82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/helpfiles/FSDA/Heston2D.html

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202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions toolbox/utilities_stat/FM_int_cov.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
function C_int = FM_int_cov(x1,x2,t1,t2,T,varargin)
%FM_int_cov computes the integrated covariance of a bivariate diffusion process via the Fourier-Malliavin estimator
%<a href="matlab: docsearchFS('FM_int_cov')">Link to the help function</a>
% Required input arguments:
% x1 : Observation values of process 1. Vector. Row or column vector containing
% the observed values.
% x2 : Observation values of process 2. Vector. Row or column vector containing
% the observed values.
% t1 : Observation times of process 1. Vector. Row or column vector containing
% the observation times.
% t2 : Observation times of process 2. Vector. Row or column vector containing
% the observation times.
% T : Estimation horizon. Scalar.
% Optional input arguments:
% N : Cutting frequency. Scalar. If N is not specified, it is set
% equal to floor((min(length(x1),length(x2))-1)/2).
% Example - 'N',400
% Data Types - single | double
% Output:
% C_int : Integrated covariance of processes 1 and 2 on [0,T]. Scalar. Value of the integrated
% covariance of processes 1 and 2.
% More About:
% We assume that vectors x1 and x2 contain discrete observations from a bivariate diffusion
% process $(x_1,x_2)$ following the Ito stochastic differential equation
% $$dx_i(t)= \sigma_i(t) \ dW_i(t) + b_i(t) \ dt, \quad i=1,2,$$
% where $W_1$ and $W_2$ are two Brownian motions defined on the filtered probability space
% $(\Omega, (\mathcal{F}_t)_{t \in [0,T]}, P)$, with correlation $\rho$,
% while $\sigma_1, \sigma_2, b_1$ and $b_2$ are random processes, adapted to $\mathcal{F}_t$.
% See the References for further mathematical details.
% The integrated covariance of the process $(x_1,x_2)$ on $[0,T]$ is defined as
% $$IC_{[0,T]}:=\rho \, \int_0^T \sigma_1(t) \sigma_2(t) \, dt$$
% Let $i=1,2$. For any positive integer $n_i$, let $\mathcal{S}^i_{n_i}:=\{ 0=t^i_{0}\leq \cdots
% \leq t^i_{n_i}=T \}$ be the observation times for the $i$-th asset. Moreover, let $\delta_l(x^i):=
% x^i(t^i_{l+1})-x^i(t^i_l)$ be the increments of $x^i$.
% The Fourier estimator of the integrated covariance on $[0,T]$ is
% given by
% $$T c_0(c_{n_1,n_2,N})={T\over {2N+1}} \sum_{|k|\leq N} c_{k}(dx^1_{n_1})c_{-k}(dx^2_{n_2}),$$
% $$c_k(dx^i_{n_i})= {1\over {T}} \sum_{l=0}^{n_i-1} e^{-{\rm i}\frac{2\pi}{T}kt^i_l}\delta_{l}(x_i).$$
% See also: FE_int_vol.m, FE_int_vol_Fejer.m, FM_int_vol, FM_int_quart.m, FM_int_volvol.m, FM_int_lev.m, Heston2D.m
% References:
% Mancino, M.E., Recchioni, M.C., Sanfelici, S. (2017), Fourier-Malliavin Volatility Estimation. Theory and Practice, "Springer Briefs in Quantitative Finance", Springer.
% Sanfelici, S., Toscano, G. (2024), The Fourier-Malliavin Volatility (FMVol) MATLAB toolbox, available on ArXiv.
% Copyright 2008-2023.
% Written by FSDA team
%<a href="matlab: docsearchFS('FM_int_cov')">Link to the help function</a>
%$LastChangedDate:: $: Date of the last commit

% Examples:

%% Example of call of FM_int_cov with default value of N.
% The following example estimates the daily integrated covariance of a bivariate
% Heston model from a discrete sample. The Heston model assumes that the spot variance follows
% a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model.
% Heston model simulation
x0=[log(100); log(100)];
V0=[0.4; 0.4];
% Integrated covariance estimation

%% Example of call of FM_int_cov with custom choice of N.
% The following example estimates the integrated covariance of a bivariate
% Heston model from a discrete sample. The Heston model assumes that the spot variance follows
% a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model.
% Heston model simulation
T=1; % horizon of the trajectory (in days)
n=23400; % number of observations simulated in one trajectory
parameters=[0 , 0; 0.4 , 0.4; 2 , 2; 1 , 1 ];
Rho=[0.5 ; -0.5 ; 0 ; 0 ; -0.5 ; 0.5];
x0=[log(100); log(100)]; V0=[0.4; 0.4];
[x,V,t] = Heston2D(T,n,parameters,Rho,x0,V0);
% Integrated covariance estimation

%% Beginning of code

% Make sure that x1, x2, t1 and t2 are column vectors.


if length(x1) ~= length(t1)
error('FSDA:FM_int_cov:WrongInputOpt','Input arguments x1 and t1 must have the same length.');

if length(x2) ~= length(t2)
error('FSDA:FM_int_cov:WrongInputOpt','Input arguments x2 and t2 must have the same length.');



n1=length(r1); n2=length(r2);

if nargin>2

if ~isempty(UserOptions)

% Check if number of supplied options is valid
if length(varargin) ~= 2*length(UserOptions)
error('FSDA:FM_int_cov:WrongInputOpt','Number of supplied options is invalid. Probably values for some parameters are missing.');

% Check if all the specified optional arguments were present
% in structure options
if ~isempty(WrongOptions)
disp(strcat('Non existent user option found->', char(WrongOptions{:})))
error('FSDA:FM_int_cov:NonExistInputOpt','In total %d non-existent user options found.', length(WrongOptions));

% Write in structure 'options' the options chosen by the user
for i=1:2:length(varargin)


if N >= min(n1,n2)
error('FSDA:FM_int_cov:WrongInputOpt','N must be strictly smaller than min(n1,n2).');

tt1=-1i*const*t1(1:end-1)'; tt2=-1i*const*t2(1:end-1)';


for j = 1:N
c_r1a(j)= exp(K(j)*tt1)*r1;
c_r2a(j)= exp(K(j)*tt2)*r2;

c_r1=1/T* [ flip(conj(c_r1a)) ; sum(r1) ; c_r1a];
c_r2=1/T* [ flip(conj(c_r2a)) ; sum(r2) ; c_r2a];


for j = 1 : 2*N+1
c_r1b(j)= (1 - abs(j-N-1 )/(N+1)) *c_r1 (j) ;
c_r2b(j)= (1 - abs(j-N-1 )/(N+1))*c_r2 (j) ;

C_int = T^2/(N+1) * real(c_r2b.' * flip(c_r1)) ;



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