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FSDA 2016a

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@UniprJRC UniprJRC released this 04 Oct 14:18
· 6461 commits to master since this release

Major statistical release. Highlights:

New features added to the tclust function, including determinant restriction and new adjusted BIC criterion for the estimation of the number of groups.
-Added functions for reweighting FSR and FSRB (FSRr and FSRBr).
-Functions FSR, FSRB and FSRH redesigned; a routing implementing the core of the Forward Search algorithm (FSRcore) introduced to avoid code redundancies.
-New function, winsor, to winsor data.
-New function FSMbsb, which will replace FSMbbm.
-New function randindexFS, to evaluate the quality of different clusterings.
-New routines poolClose and poolPrepare introduced to conveniently open and close a pool of parallel workers.
-Several new robust functions to generate, for example, the Tukey Biweigh rho function (HUrho), the tuning constant associated to a certain efficiency (HUeff), the psi functions (HUpsi), its derivative (HUpsider), etc. For a full list, see functions under utilities_stats folder.

Major highlights in the documentations and examples:

-New function, publishFS, introduced to generate documentation pages directly from the .m files.
-New function, makecontentsfileFS, introduced to create a the list of files present in a FSDA folder and/or subfolders. It extends MATLAB function makecontentsfile.
-.mlx files introduced for examples_multivariate and examples_regression