Releases: UniprJRC/FSDA
Release 8.5.24
ctlcurves, GUIregress, MMreg updated
Release 8.5.23
Added new options in aceplot
Release 8.5.22
new dataset Marketing Data added
Release 8.5.21
Placeholder just for testing
Release 8.5.20
Placeholder just for testing
Release 8.5.19
Improved CreateFSDAtoolboxfile.m
Release 8.5.18
test of automatic routine CreateFSDAtoolboxFile.m
Release 8.5.17
Set release compatibility in ToolboxPackagingConfiguration.prj file
FSDA Release 2021b (Ver. 8.5.16)
Likelihood ratio test inside ctlcurves.m and extended output which automatically detects a set of candidate solutions.
New function ctlcurvesplot.m to plot the output of the trimmed likelihood curves
New function moonplot to show the output of correspondence analysis
New function balloonplot to visualize large categorical data
New datasets oliveoil, wine and flea added to cluster analysis section.
New datasets csdPerceptions and mobilephone added to the multivariate analysis section
New function mcdeda which monitors the output of mcd for a sequence of values of breakdown point
New option conflimMethodCramerV in function corrNominal to compute the confidence interval of Cramer V coefficient.
New function mdpattern which finds and plots missing data patterns.
New options inside AVAS to make it robust to the presence of outliers
Sreg and MMreg with hyperbolic tangent estimator made faster.
New options inside LTSts and simulateTS that allow a customized definition of the autoregressive component
Added weights in repDupValWithMean.m
New function setdiffFS in case input arguments just contain positive integer values.
Version Compatibility Considerations
In a lot of functions the instruction'MATLAB') appears in order to cope with the MATLAB C coder requirements.
We stop supporting releases before 2016b.
Functions balloonplot and mdpattern use bubblechart routine and therefore only work with MATLAB 2020b or greater.
FSDA Release 2021b (V8.5.9)
Likelihood ratio test inside ctlcurves.m and extended output which automatically detects a set of candidate solutions.
New function ctlcurvesplot.m to plot the output of the trimmed likelihood curves
New function moonplot to show the output of correspondence analysis
New function balloonplot to visualize large categorical data
New datasets oliveoil, wine and flea added to cluster analysis section.
New datasets csdPerceptions and mobilephone added to the multivariate analysis section
New function mcdeda which monitors the output of mcd for a sequence of values of breakdown point
New option conflimMethodCramerV in function corrNominal to compute the confidence interval of Cramer V coefficient.
New function mdpattern which finds and plots missing data patterns.
New options inside AVAS to make it robust to the presence of outliers
Sreg and MMreg with hyperbolic tangent estimator made faster.
New options inside LTSts and simulateTS that allow a customized definition of the autoregressive component
Added weights in repDupValWithMean.m
New function setdiffFS in case input arguments just contain positive integer values.
Version Compatibility Considerations
In a lot of functions the instruction'MATLAB') appears in order to cope with the MATLAB C coder requirements.
We stop supporting releases before 2016b.
Functions balloonplot and mdpattern use bubblechart routine and therefore only work with MATLAB 2020b or greater.