Releases: UniprJRC/FSDA
FSDA 2015b
New on 2015b release of the FSDA:
-Function simdataset.m modified to allow the user to simulate outliers from different distributions and b contamination schemes and/or contaminate existing datasets.
-New Bayesian regression analysis routines: FSRB.m, FSRBeda.m, FSRBmdr.m, regressB.m.
-In FSReda.m: monitoring of confidence intervals of beta and sigma2.
-In FSRBeda.m: monitoring of HPD (highest posterior density regions) of beta and sigma2.
-New functions for inverse gamma computation: inversegampdf.m, inversegamcdf.m, inversegaminv.m.
-Added functions to monitor units forming subset in heterosckedastic and Bayesian regression: FSRHbsb.m, FSRBbsb.m.
-Added new datasets for Bayesian examples.
-Added option for the robust transformation in the Yeo-Johnson family.
-addFSDA2path.m: modified for compatibility with unix platforms and to address changes in the folder organization of FSDA functions.
-Added routines to compute and visualize robust bivariate boxplot (function boxplotb.m).
-New routine for automatic outlier detection in heteroskedastic regression (FSRH.m).