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Tribunal is a framework for processing cross-chain swap settlements utilizing The Compact.


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Tribunal ☝️

Tribunal is a framework for processing cross-chain swap settlements against PGA (priority gas auction) blockchains. It ensures that tokens are transferred according to the mandate specified by the originating sponsor and enforces that a single party is able to perform the settlement in the event of a dispute.

To settle a cross-chain swap, the filler submits a "petition" to the Tribunal contract. This consists of three core components:

  1. Compact: Defines the claim parameters and constraints specified by the sponsor.
  2. Mandate: Specifies settlement conditions and amount derivation parameters specified by the sponsor.
  3. Directive: Contains execution details provided by the filler including claimant and dispensation.

Note for cross-chain message protocols integrating with Tribunal: inherit the Tribunal contract and override the _processDirective and _quoteDirective functions to implement the relevant directive processing logic for passing a message to the arbiter on the claim chain (or ensure that the necessary state is updated to allow for the arbiter to "pull" the message themselves).

Core Components

Compact Structure

struct Compact {
    uint256 chainId;          // Claim processing chain ID
    address arbiter;          // Claim verification account
    address sponsor;          // Token source account
    uint256 nonce;            // Replay protection parameter
    uint256 expires;          // Claim expiration timestamp
    uint256 id;               // Claimed ERC6909 token ID
    uint256 maxAmount;        // Maximum claimable tokens
    bytes sponsorSignature;   // Authorization from the sponsor
    bytes allocatorSignature; // Authorization from the allocator

Mandate Structure

struct Mandate {
    address recipient;           // Recipient of settled tokens
    uint256 expires;             // Mandate expiration timestamp
    address token;               // Settlement token (address(0) for native)
    uint256 minimumAmount;       // Minimum settlement amount
    uint256 baselinePriorityFee; // Base fee threshold where scaling kicks in
    uint256 scalingFactor;       // Fee scaling multiplier (1e18 baseline)
    bytes32 salt;                // Preimage resistance parameter

Directive Structure

struct Directive {
    address claimant;     // Recipient of claimed tokens
    uint256 dispensation; // Cross-chain message layer payment

Process Flow

  1. Fillers initiate by calling petition(Compact calldata compact, Mandate calldata mandate, Directive calldata directive) and providing any msg.value required for the settlement and the dispensation to pay to process the cross-chain message.
  2. Tribunal verifies that the mandate has not expired by checking the mandate's expires timestamp
  3. Computation phase:
    • Derives mandateHash using an EIP712 typehash for the mandate, destination chainId, tribunal address, and mandate data
    • Derives claimHash using an EIP712 typehash for the compact with the mandate as a witness and the compact data including the mandateHash
    • Ensures that the claimHash has not already been used and marks it as disposed
    • Calculates settlementAmount and claimAmount based on:
      • Compact maxAmount
      • Mandate parameters (minimumAmount, baselinePriorityFee, scalingFactor)
      • tx.gasprice and block.basefee
      • NOTE: scalingFactor will result in an increased settlementAmount if > 1e18 or a decreased claimAmount if < 1e18
      • NOTE: scalingFactor is combined with tx.gasprice - (block.basefee + baselinePriorityFee) (or 0 if it would otherwise be negative) before being applied to the amount
  4. Execution phase:
    • Transfers settlementAmount of token to mandate recipient
    • Processes directive via _processDirective(compact, mandateHash, directive, claimAmount)

There are also a few view functions:

  • quote(Compact calldata compact, Mandate calldata mandate, Directive calldata directive) will suggest a dispensation amount (function of gas on claim chain + any additional "protocol overhead" if using push-based cross-chain messaging)
  • disposition(bytes32 claimHash) will check if a given claim hash has already been disposed (used)
  • getCompactWitnessDetails() will return the Mandate witness typestring and that correlates token + amount arguments (so frontends can show context about the token and use decimal inputs)
  • deriveMandateHash(Mandate calldata mandate) will return the EIP712 typehash for the mandate
  • deriveClaimHash(Compact calldata compact, bytes32 mandateHash) will return the unique claim hash for a compact and mandate combination
  • getSettlementAmount(Compact calldata compact, Mandate calldata mandate) will return the settlement amount based on the compact and mandate; the base fee and priority fee will be applied to the amount and so should be tuned in the call appropriately

Mandate EIP-712 Typehash

This is what swappers will see as their witness data when signing a Compact:

struct Mandate {
    uint256 chainId;
    address tribunal;
    address recipient;
    uint256 expires;
    address token;
    uint256 minimumAmount;
    uint256 baselinePriorityFee;
    uint256 scalingFactor;
    bytes32 salt;

Remaining Work

  • Create CI/CD pipeline
  • Implement directive processing with cross-chain messaging
  • Implement quote function for gas estimation
  • Implement getCompactWitnessDetails for frontend integration
  • Set up comprehensive test suite
  • Add tests for fee-on-transfer tokens
  • Add tests for quote function
  • Add tests for witness details
  • Add tests for directive processing
  • Develop integration tests
  • Create deployment scripts

Test Cases

Core Functionality

  • Petition submission
  • Claim hash derivation
  • Expiration checking
  • Hash derivation
  • Amount calculations
  • Token transfers
  • Quote function
  • Witness details
  • Directive processing

Edge Cases

  • Zero amounts
  • Native token handling
  • Invalid claim hashes
  • Expired mandates
  • Gas price edge cases
  • Scale factor boundaries
  • Fee-on-transfer tokens
  • Cross-chain message failures
  • Maximum gas price scenarios


  • Replay protection
  • Access control
  • Input validation
  • Integer overflow/underflow
  • Cross-chain message security
  • Gas estimation attack vectors


Reentrancy protection is not needed in the current design as it follows the checks-effects-interactions pattern and never holds tokens. The contract consumes nonces before any external calls and uses a pull pattern for token transfers.

Fee-on-Transfer Token Handling

Swappers must handle fee-on-transfer tokens carefully, as settlement will result in fewer tokens being received by the recipient than the specified settlement amount. When providing settlement amounts for such tokens:

  • Swappers must account for the token's transfer fee in their calculations
  • The actual received amount will be less than the specified settlement amount
  • Frontend implementations should display appropriate warnings
  • Consider implementing additional safety checks or multipliers (though this also complicates matters for fillers)

Future Work

  • Additional amount derivation functions (eg reverse dutch)
  • Multi-token settlement support
  • Batch processing capabilities
  • Cross-chain message optimization
  • Advanced dispute resolution mechanisms
  • Gas optimization improvements


$ git clone
$ forge install


$ forge build


$ forge test


$ forge fmt

Gas Snapshots

$ forge snapshot --isolate

Code Coverage

$ forge coverage


$ forge script script/Tribunal.s.sol:TribunalScript --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> --private-key <your_private_key>


Tribunal is a framework for processing cross-chain swap settlements utilizing The Compact.







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