Used to proxy SendGrid API request.
- Copy .env_ci to .env
- Change values for .env/, .env/, and .env/env.production.json as required for your proxy
- yarn
- yarn build
- If you want to try it out locally, in src/index.js uncomment line 55 and comment line 56 (remember to undo this before deployment to aws)
- yarn start
The environment json files configure your serverless.yaml file. The environment variable SLS_ENV determines which file is used. For example, to launch using your file, you would do as follows:
- SLS_ENV=qa yarn deploy
If this is the first time you're deploying, you'll need to create the custom domain in the API Gateway.
- SLS_ENV=qa sls create_domain
- Assumes you have serverless installed
- Assumes you have serverless configured with AWS credentials to deploy lambda functions
- Assumes you have permissions to create a route53 entry, a custom domain in API Gateway, new Cloud Formation, and Lambda