Davide Usberti, known in the digital world as 333revenge or UsboKirishima, is a promising Italian developer and hacker. Born and raised in Parma, Davide has been passionately immersed in the world of technology and cybersecurity from a young age. Currently, he is pursuing his studies in computer science at the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Leonardo da Vinci in Parma.
- UsboKirishima/vepar - Vepar Botnet distributed system to make Distributed Denial of Services Attacks (DDoS)
- UsboKirishima/0 - An advanced keylogger with both kernel and userspace mode support. Implements stealth functionality and netlink socket communication.
- UsboKirishima/333revenge.art - My personal website portfolio
- UsboKirishima/lutherblissett - Luther Blissett - Remote Administration Tool for the Linux kernel
- UsboKirishima/krokodil - The most advanced graphical discord nuker made for bot testers
- UsboKirishima/blove - Blove is a powerful search engine.
- UsboKirishima/TerminalHub - Searching framework. (e.g. terminal, discord bot)
- UsboKirishima/fusb - FIXED USB MANAGER CLI
- UsboKirishima/ecobrains.it - Official EcoBrains website & dashboard
- UsboKirishima/scheduling - Evaluate Tw and Tr of processes in FCFS, SJF, RR
- UsboKirishima/lostinmymind - π - anonymously encrypted chatroom
- UsboKirishima/GeometryJava - Generate geometric shapes ascii with java.
- UsboKirishima/Syndicate - Powerful mod menu for GTA V & GTA Online (Old Gen Console) || Syndicate mod base
- UsboKirishima/profile - My personal website profile
- UsboKirishima/dotfiles - π My personal dotfiles (XMonad, polybar, zsh, alacritty, nvim)
- UsboKirishima/slang - Slang words searcher
- UsboKirishima/tkeys - Simple password manager bc I don't trust any others
- UsboKirishima/nightly - Poworfull cli audio player
- UsboKirishima/WTTP - Linux audio daw
- UsboKirishima/thoughts - thoughts - Simple website to share my thoughts!
- UsboKirishima/Niki - My last discord bot made in Typescript.
- UsboKirishima/lived - π Electronic register based on ClasseViva from terminal.
- UsboKirishima/thf4 - thf4 - System Activity Visualizer
- UsboKirishima/UsboKirishima - No description available
- UsboKirishima/PizzaPastaMandolin - Hacking Toolkit β
Visit my website 333revenge.art