Use a Raspberry Pi as a VoIP door intercom system.
I use it with my FritzBox to alert all my DECT Phones. Tested on a Pi 2B+ and a Pi Zero with raspbian (and mono).
Makes use of Asterisk and raspberry sharp. Now why would anyone use C# for his door bell? Because I didn't know C# and wanted to practise 😜
- Adjust the hardcoded stuff in Asterisk.cs to match you config 😅
- Make all the DLLs and the EXE
cd Raspberry.IO/
mcs -t:library *.cs -r:System -out:Raspberry.IO.dll
cd Raspberry.IO.Interop/
mcs -t:library *.cs */*.cs -r:System -out:Raspberry.IO.Interop.dll
cd Raspberry.System/
mcs -t:library *.cs */*.cs -r:System -out:Raspberry.System.dll
cd Raspberry.IO.GeneralPurpose/
mcs -t:library *.cs */*.cs -r:System,System.Configuration,Raspberry.IO.Interop,Raspberry.IO,Raspberry.System -lib:../Raspberry.IO.Interop/,../Raspberry.IO/,../Raspberry.System/ -out:Raspberry.IO.GeneralPurpose.dll
mcs /t:exe Main.cs Asterisk.cs Notifier.cs /r:System,Raspberry.IO.GeneralPurpose,Raspberry.IO.Interop,Raspberry.System,Raspberry.IO
- Throw everything on the Pi.
- There install mono:
sudo apt-get install libmono-corlib4.5-cil, libmono-i18n-west4.0-cil, libmono-i18n4.0-cil, libmono-security4.0-cil, libmono-system-configuration4.0-cil, libmono-system-security4.0-cil, libmono-system-xml4.0-cil, libmono-system4.0-cil, mono-4.0-gac, mono-gac, mono-runtime, mono-runtime-common, mono-runtime-sgen
- Execute it (best at each startup)
# Provides: door
# Required-Start: $start
# Required-Stop: $shutdown
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: Doorberry project
mono /etc/door/Main.exe > /etc/door/tuer.log &
exit 0
The Programm will try to connect to a Asterisk manager. It will use it to signal the Door and will wait for a DTMF (button "5") in order to open the Door.
Last time I checked it ran with: Asterisk 11.13.1
- Change username and password for your VoIP registrar in sip.conf
- Change username and password for your manager in username.conf
- Remember the hardcoded stuff in Asterisk.cs 😅
- Turn off oss and use alsa in modules.conf
- Adjust alsa.conf to match your (sound) setup
- Turn on manager for localhost in manager.conf
If you want to use a script (additionaly to VoIP) to open the door use Port 14000:
echo -n "AUF" | nc -q 1 localhost 14000
Also clients connected to port 11000 will receive a newline when the bell is detected.
Door Bell, Buzzer and Voice is handled by a little Hat I made for the Pi. Please find it here.
The Pi does not have a microphone on its own.