Implementation of Conway's Game of Life for Program Development (DATS1600) at Oslo and Akershus University College (HiOA), spring 2017. The assignment recieved an A. See GameOfLife.jar for a runnable package of the application.
Henrik Finnerud Larsen
Oscar Vladau-Husevold
- Click-to-draw pattern editor
- User created rulesets
- Importing and exporting patterns using .rle files, with posibility to move imported patterns around the game board before commiting.
- Gif-exportation of animated simulation
- Dynamically expanding game board.
- Multithreaded calculations
- Statistics of likelihood of a recurring pattern, cell difference between generations and
The Game of Life is a cellular automaton created by John Horton Conway in 1970. It is effectively a zero-player game, meaning that it needs no further input after start.
Either load a pattern into the game using a file, an URL or the built in pre-sets, or use the left mouse button to draw a pattern on the play board. Then you can press start to start the game, or reset board to go back to a blank slate.
The center view button will take you back to the middle of the board (The center is subject to change whilst the game is running.)
The speed slider-bar will allow you to manipulate the speed of the animation, from 1 to 30 frames per second (FPS)
The initial rules of Conway's Game of Life are quite simple: If a live cell has two or three neighbours, it survives to the next generation. If a dead cell has exactly three neighbours, it is born. All other conditions result in dead cells.
There are several other rule variations. You can use the rule drop-down menu to choose from a list of already created rules, or you can experiment with your own combination by writing in the Set Rules box and pressing enter.
- Scroll Wheel – Zoom in and out.
- Left Mouse Button – Draw and erase cells from the board.
- Right Mouse Button – Drag the board to look around.
When loading a pattern
- Arrow Keys or WASD – Move the Pattern around
- Q – Rotate the loaded pattern counter clockwise
- E – Rotate the loaded pattern clockwise.
- ENTER – Finalises the pattern and puts it as a permanent part of the board
- ESC – Discards the loaded pattern.
This project is licenced under the MIT License. See file file for details