StatsPykage is an open source Python package for analysing standard statistical distributions: Gaussian, Binomial, Poisson etc. distributions; hosted on
Data can be read from .txt files to instances of the distribution models. The package can be used to:
- Compute the properties of a distribution, such as the mean and standard deviation.
- Compute a distribution's probability density function for given values and intervals.
- Plot the distribution and probability density functions visually .
Use the package manager pip to install StatsPykage.
pip install statspykage
The package should run with no issues using Python version 3.
To run the package, users also need to have the following packages installed:
import statspykage
# initialize two gaussian distributions
gaussian_one = Gaussian(25, 3)
gaussian_two = Gaussian(30, 2)
# initialize a third gaussian distribution reading in a data file
gaussian_three = Gaussian()
# print out the mean and standard deviations
print(gaussian_one.mean) # PRINTS: 25
print(gaussian_two.mean) # PRINTS: 30
print(gaussian_one.stdev) # PRINTS: 3
print(gaussian_two.stdev) # PRINTS: 2
# plot histogram of gaussian three
# add gaussian_one and gaussian_two together
gaussian_one + gaussian_two
Contributions are welcomed. For major changes, kindly open an issue first to discuss the same before creating a pull request.
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