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Conjectures efficiency over Wikidata

The final dataset is composed of the union of three main sub-datasets:

  • Dataset A: Composed by ca. 3 million Wikidata artworks (along with, when possible, their creator and location) and their relative statements.
  • Dataset B: Composed by ca. 3 million Wikidata random entities (except for artworks) and their relative statements.
  • Dataset C: Composed by ca. XXX million entities and their relative statements whose ranking has been randomised (especially with wikibase:PreferredRank and wikibase:DeprecatedRank).

The final dataset will be modelled with five different RDF models:

  • Wikidata statements
  • Named Graphs
  • Singleton properties
  • RDF-star
  • Conjectures

Dataset A - Artworks

All artworks with their type and when available their location and creator.

From Wikidata SPARQL endpoint, we selected all artworks (Q1). Then we got all artworks related metadata from Wikidata API (wbgetentities method). This process is available at


SELECT DISTINCT ?artwork ?type WHERE {
    ?artwork wdt:P31 ?type.
    ?type (wdt:P279*) wd:Q838948. hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true

Additionally, we selected all creators (wdt:P170) (Q2), authors (wdt:P50) (Q3), locations (wdt:P276) (Q3) of the abovementioned artworks (extracted with Q1). As in the previous step, we we got all creators, authors and locations related metadata from Wikidata API. This process is available at

We created three Datasets A (namely A1, A2, A3) which differ in their size. We finally decide to maintain in the final dataset the dataset A3.

The results are summarised in the table below.

Dataset A1 Dataset A2 Dataset A3
Artworks Entities 996,679 1,989,191 3,537,045
Artworks Statements 12,737,671 23,043,346 39,868,568
Locations Entities 25,282 76,159 1,233,369
Locations Statements 906,008 3,376,693 24,189,262
Authors Entities // // 765,350
Authors Statements // // 24,389,391
Creators Entities 19,865 88,663 1,377,454
Creators Statements 1,235,069 5,988,387 53,738,223
Total Entities 1,041,826 2,154,013 6,913,218
Total Statements 23,032,748 32,408,426 14,2185,444
Folder weight 31.7 GB 74.6 GB 359,2 GB

Dataset B - Random Entities

Then we selected 3'000'000 random wikidata entities which are not artworks along with their metadata (Q2). This process is available at


    ?entity wdt:P31 ?type. hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true
    MINUS { ?type (wdt:P279*) wd:Q838948. }
LIMIT 3000000

The results are summarised in the table below.

Dataset B
Entities 2,999,999
Statements 62,102,993
Folder weight 144.3 GB

Dataset C - Fake Statements

Dataset C contains a selection of fake statements regarding the creator, author or location of artworks (from dataset A3). Those new statements contain fake randomic information and are ranked as Deprecated in order to increase the number of conjectural statements in the final dataset.

For example, a fake statement can be the attribution of Mona Lisa to Tim Berners Lee.

For an in depth documentation of the process of creation of Dataset C, please see in DATASET C folder.

Fake creators Fake authors Fake locations Total Dataset C
Entities (artworks) 996,679 153,070 203,236
Statements (fake) 12,737,671 612,387 813,050
Avg. fake statements x artwork 4 4 4
Folder weight 0.621 GB 0.551 GB 2,35 GB


Dataset A + B + C constitute our final dataset. From now, we will refer to the final dataset as D4. In order to test Conjectures efficiency, we decided to create 3 additional datasets from D4:

  • D1 is D4 files / 1000
  • D2 is D4 files / 100
  • D3 is D4 files / 10
D1 D2 D3 D4
Artworks Entities 3,587 35,422 353,770 3,537,045
Artworks Statements 38,658 415,045 3,973,274 12,737,671
Artwork Related Entities 715 11,700 42,341 188,380
Artwork Related Statements 39,982 1,061,560 2,130,997 6,788,221
Random Entities 3,049 30,049 300,049 2,999,999
Random Statements 58,209 631,865 6,178,155 62,102,993
Fake Statements 1,792 19,214 187,577 1,889,968
Total Entities 7,617 77,171 696,160 6,537,044
Total Statements (-fake) 136,849 2,108,470 12,282,426 81,628,885

D1, D2, D3 contain a selected randomic selection of D4 in order to present the same Dataset in 4 different sizes (logaritmic increment) with a weighted distribution of the files.

The process has been realised with

Asserted and Non-asserted statements in Wikidata

In Wikidata, assertion or non assertion of claims is strictly dependent from their rankings.

For example, the triples (1)wd:Q10743 wdt:P214 "249422654" and (2)wd:Q10743 wdt:P214 "315523483" share the same subject-predicate values, but differ wrt their objects.

  • If both triples (1 and 2) are ranked as Normal, they are both asserted.
  • If both triples (1 and 2) are ranked as Preferred, they are both asserted.
  • If both triples (1 and 2) are ranked as Deprecated, they are both non-asserted.
  • If triple (1) is ranked as Preferred and triple (2) is ranked as Normal, the first (1) is asserted and the second (2) is non-asserted.
  • If triple (1) is ranked as Deprecated and triple (2) is ranked as Normal, the first (1) in non-asserted and the second (2) is asserted.
  • If triple (1) is ranked as Deprecated and triples (2) is ranked as Preferred, the first (1) is non-asserted and the second (2) is asserted.

Additional materials

  • In folder handlebars_templates has been saved all templates to convert jsons into RDF with
  • In folder handlebars_templates_fake has been saved all templates to convert fake jsons (Dataset C) into RDF
  • In folder handlebars_templates you can find an additional set of helpers called helper.js, this is meant to be use in data conversions since it reproduces the assertion - non assertion of the statements in the json files (a more in the depth explanation of the topic is in the section above).

Converting files via Wikidata Converter App

The downloaded json files from Wikidata can be trasformed into RDF format with the online converter

  • Download the application from [LINK AL COVERTER AGGIORNATO].
  • Start the application by simply starting node with the command node app.js, the interface will be available in your browser at port 3000.
  • In the interface, upload the templates (available in folder handlebars_templates and handlebars_templates_fake) or fill the dedicated forms.
  • Use "Bulk convert" function to upload a .zip archive containing all jsons.
    • Note. Do not upload a .zip file grater than 2GB.
    • Note 2. If the process stops, allocate more RAM space in the cmd with the command node --max-old-space-size=12288 app.js to run again the application.
  • A .zip folder will be automatically downloaded. This archive contains all RDF files converted against your chosen templates.

Example output RDF files out of handlebars templates

A conversion test has been run agaist the templates. In the folder conversion_test can be found input and output data. Each output RDF dataset has been validated with Apache Jena Fuseki. Below a summary for each dataset applied against each model:

** D1 ** Upload time (ms) Total Triples Query Time (ms) Query Queried Triples
Wikidata Statement 18,904 853,028 32,860 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 751,332
Singleton Properties 12,034 695,022 12,375 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 334,955
Named Graphs 15,428 364,150 6,901 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 184,813
RDF-star 12,556 379,010 7,985 SELECT * WHERE {<< ?s ?p ?o >>} ?p1 ?o1 163,975
Conjectures 13,419 369,527 8,962 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} 184,813
** D2 ** Upload time (ms) Total Triples Query Time (ms) Query Queried Triples
Wikidata Statement 172.638 11,337,988 25.975 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1000000 1000000
Singleton Properties 104.060 9,229,518 17.282 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1000000 1000000
Named Graphs 116.632 4,742,770** 27.431 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1000000 1000000
RDF-star 66.617 5,012,578 43.739 SELECT * WHERE { << ?s ?p ?o >> ?p1 ?o1} 1000000
Conjectures 119.180 4,810,697** 26.988 SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1000000 1000000
  • The Query Time (ms) has been calculated over the query: SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} ** Total number of Quads

Each converted dataset is exemplified below with two different examples:

  1. The first represents two statements (Germany native label is Bundesrepublik Deutschland and Germany native label is Deutschland) both ranked as normal, and then equally asserted.
  2. The second represents three statements (Germany has diplomatic relation with Taiwan, Germany has diplomatic relation with Bhutan (unconfirmed statement), Germany has diplomatic relation with Cape Verde) respectively rankes as normal (non asserted), deprecated (non asserted), preferred (asserted)


wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"@de.
wd:Q183 p:P1705 s:Q183-d657d418-4a25-98d6-5180-a3659a11fbcd .
s:Q183-d657d418-4a25-98d6-5180-a3659a11fbcd a wikibase:Statement;                                  
    ps:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"@de;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.                                   
wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Deutschland"@de.      
wd:Q183 p:P1705 s:Q183$E2A638D7-78B7-424D-9F63-AF49F5DCAE84 .
s:Q183-E2A638D7-78B7-424D-9F63-AF49F5DCAE84 a wikibase:Statement; 
    ps:P1705 "Deutschland"@de;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.
wd:Q183 p:P530 s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA .
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA a wikibase:Statement;                                     
    pq:P805 wd:Q15910813;
    pq:P582 "1972-00-00T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
    pq:P2241 wd:Q26256296;
    ps:P530 wd:Q865;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.

wd:Q183 p:P530 s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 .
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 a wikibase:Statement; 
    pq:P805 wd:Q1201896;
    pq:P2241 wd:Q28831311;
    ps:P530 wd:Q917;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank.
wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q1011.
wd:Q183 p:P530 s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 .
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 a wikibase:Statement; 
    pq:P805 wd:Q28498636;
    pq:P531 wd:Q58003162;
    ps:P530 wd:Q1011;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank.

Named Graphs

Note: With named graphs all statements are asserted.
Note2: Since Named Graphs allows for statements groupings, when all statements are ranked as Normal (or all has the same qualifiers) as the case below, they can be grouped in the same graph without changing any statement meaning.

GRAPH s:Q183-d657d418-4a25-98d6-5180-a3659a11fbcd { 
    wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"@de 
    wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Deutschland"@de 
s:Q183-d657d418-4a25-98d6-5180-a3659a11fbcd wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.
GRAPH s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA { 
wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q865 
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA pq:P805 wd:Q15910813.
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA pq:P582 "1972-00-00T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA pq:P2241 wd:Q26256296.
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.

GRAPH s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 { 
    wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q917 
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 pq:P805 wd:Q1201896.
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 pq:P2241 wd:Q28831311.
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank.

GRAPH s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 { 
    wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q1011 								
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 pq:P805 wd:Q28498636.
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 pq:P531 wd:Q58003162.
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank.

Singleton Properties

wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"@de.
sng:P417-0 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P417  ;
sng:P1705-0 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P1705 ;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.
wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Deutschland"@de.
wd:Q183 sng:P1705-1 "Deutschland"@de.
sng:P1705-1 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P1705  ;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.
wd:Q183 sng:P530-136 wd:Q865.
sng:P530-136 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P530  ;
    pq:P805 wd:Q15910813;
    pq:P582 "1972-00-00T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
    pq:P2241 wd:Q26256296;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.

wd:Q183 sng:P530-132 wd:Q917.
sng:P530-132 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P530  ;
    pq:P805 wd:Q1201896;
    pq:P2241 wd:Q28831311;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank.

wd:Q183 sng:P530-133 wd:Q1011.
sng:P530-133 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P530  ;
sng:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 sng:singletonPropertyOf wdt:P530 .
    pq:P805 wd:Q28498636;
    pq:P531 wd:Q58003162;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank.

RDF-star (RDF 1.1 syntax extension)

wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"@de.
<<wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland">>
     wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.
wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Deutschland"@de.
<<wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Deutschland">>
     wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.
<<wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q865>>
    pq:P805 wd:Q15910813;
    pq:P582 "1972-00-00T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
    pq:P2241 wd:Q26256296;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.

<<wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q917>>
    pq:P805 wd:Q1201896;
    pq:P2241 wd:Q28831311;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank.
wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q1011.
<<wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q1011>>
    pq:P805 wd:Q28498636;
    pq:P531 wd:Q58003162;
    wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank.

Conjectures (weak form)

Note: Since conjectures allows for statements groupings (inheriting it from Named Graphs), when all statements are ranked as Normal (or all has the same qualifiers) as the case below, they can be grouped in the same graph without changing any statement meaning.

GRAPH s:Q183-d657d418-4a25-98d6-5180-a3659a11fbcd  {
wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"@de.
wd:Q183 wdt:P1705 "Deutschland"@de.
s:Q183-d657d418-4a25-98d6-5180-a3659a11fbcd wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.                        
GRAPH s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA  {
	wd:Q183 <> wd:Q865.
	<> conj:isAConjecturalFormOf wd:P530 .
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA pq:P805 wd:Q15910813.
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA pq:P582 "1972-00-00T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA pq:P2241 wd:Q26256296.
s:Q183-DF432913-CEBA-49ED-BCA4-7214957E6CDA wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank.   

GRAPH s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6  {
	wd:Q183 <> wd:Q917.
	<> conj:isAConjecturalFormOf wd:P530 .
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 pq:P805 wd:Q1201896.
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 pq:P2241 wd:Q28831311.
s:Q183-a6aa383f-4c30-79bf-0767-dcf4ea80f8d6 wikibase:rank wikibase:DeprecatedRank.   

GRAPH s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1  {
        wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q1011.

GRAPH s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1  {
        wd:Q183 <> wd:Q1011.
	<> conj:isAConjecturalFormOf wd:P530 .  

GRAPH s:collapseOfQ183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1{
        wd:Q183 wdt:P530 wd:Q1011.
        s:collapseOfQ183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 conj:collapses s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 pq:P805 wd:Q28498636.
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 pq:P531 wd:Q58003162.
s:Q183-0B26503A-A8BF-4B40-9F0A-CAE242AE03A1 wikibase:rank wikibase:PreferredRank.   


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