Sends push notification via Firebase Cloud Messaging Server
Note: This package is not supported properly
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist autoxloo/fcm "*"
composer require --prefer-dist autoxloo/fcm "*"
or add
"autoxloo/fcm": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
To send push notification you should have private key file for your service account.
To generate a private key file for your service account:
- In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.
- Click Generate New Private Key, and confirm by clicking Generate Key.
$projectId = 'autoxloo'; // id of your project created in firebase console
$serviceAccountFilePath = __DIR__ . '/service_account.json'; // path to your generated private key file for your service account
Sending push notification:
$fcm = new FirebaseCloudMessaging($projectId, $serviceAccountFilePath);
$response = $fcm->send($message); // $message is instance of \autoxloo\fcm\message\Message
// $response is instance of \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
Complete example:
// initial data:
$projectId = 'autoxloo';
$serviceAccountFile = __DIR__ . '/service_account.json';
$token = 'some device token';
$name = 'Some name';
$title = 'Some title';
$body = 'Some body';
$data = [
'some key1' => 'some value1',
'some key2' => 'some value2',
// sending push notification:
$target = FCMFacade::createTargetToken($token); // only target is required
$notification = FCMFacade::createNotification($title, $body);
$androidConfig = FCMFacade::createAndroidConfig([AndroidConfig::FIELD_PRIORITY => AndroidConfig::PRIORITY_HIGH]);
$message = FCMFacade::createMessage();
$fcm = new FirebaseCloudMessaging($projectId, $serviceAccountFile);
$response = $fcm->send($message); // $response is instance of \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
$messageConfig = [
// required one of: token, topic or condition
Message::FIELD_TOKEN => $token, // or Message::FIELD_TOPIC => $topic or Message::FIELD_CONDITION => $condition
// not required values:
Message::FIELD_NAME => $name,
Message::FIELD_DATA => $data,
Message::FIELD_NOTIFICATION => FCMFacade::createNotification($title, $body),
Message::FIELD_ANDROID => FCMFacade::createAndroidConfig([
AndroidConfig::FIELD_PRIORITY => AndroidConfig::PRIORITY_HIGH
$message = FCMFacade::createMessage($messageConfig);
$fcm = new FirebaseCloudMessaging($projectId, $serviceAccountFile);
$response = $fcm->send($message); // $response is instance of \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response
You can use target one of:
To create use facade:
$targetToken = FCMFacade::createTargetToken('some token');
$targetTopic = FCMFacade::createTargetTopic('some topic');
$targetCondition = FCMFacade::createTargetCondition('some condition');
See Firebase Build App Server Send Requests for more details.
Note: TargetCondition and TargetTopic was not tested properly.