Ansible role to install an Apache Cassandra cluster supervised by systemd. Includes the following:
- Some OS tuning options such as installing jemalloc, setting max_map_count and tcp_keepalive, disabling swap.
- Bootstraps nodes using the IPs of the servers in the
(configurable) inventory group. - Weekly scheduled repairs via cron jobs that are non-overlapping (see
).- Note that all keyspaces will be scheduled for repairs
- Incremental and full backup scripts as well as a restore script. (disabled by default, optional) (NOTE: needs better testing)
- backup/restore requires access to S3.
- prometheus-style metrics using jmx-exporter
Status: beta, see TODOs
- Ansible Requirements
- Role Variables
- Dependencies
- Platforms
- Example Playbook
- License
- A note on openjdk vs oracle:
- Development setup
- Credits
- ansible >= 2.4 (>= 2.7.9 recommended)
Give your cluster a better name:
# set cassandra_cluster_name before running the playbook for the first time; never change it afterwards
cassandra_cluster_name: default
You may wish to override the following defaults to enable backups:
# backups
cassandra_backup_enabled: false # recommended to enable this
cassandra_backup_s3_bucket: # set a name here and ensure hosts have access rights to an S3 bucket
cassandra_env: dev # used in naming backups in case you have more than one environment (e.g. production, staging, ...)
For a list of all variables, see defaults/main.yml
The following should be installed before installing this role:
- Java 8 (openJDK or Oracle, see A note on openjdk vs oracle:)
- ntp
For the above dependencies, you can use the same roles as in molecule/default/requirements.yml
- but you don't have to.
- Currently tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 (see A note on Java 8 and Ubuntu 18.04).
Assuming an inventory with 5 nodes where you wish to install cassandra on, two of them seed nodes:
# hosts.ini
host01 ansible_host=<some IP>
host02 ansible_host=<some IP>
host03 ansible_host=<some IP>
host04 ansible_host=<some IP>
host05 ansible_host=<some IP>
# cassandra_seed group will be used to configure seed bootstrapping
# recommended is 2 seed nodes per datacenter
Then the following should work and start your cluster:
# playbook.yml
- hosts: cassandra
# set cluster_name before running the playbook for the first time; never change it afterwards
cassandra_cluster_name: my_cluster
# set installed java package version manually. required when using Ubuntu 18.04. see: [A note on Java 8 and Ubuntu 18.04](#a-note-on-Java-8-and-Ubuntu-18.04)
java_packages: openjdk-8-jdk
# ensure to install java and ntp first, e.g. by running these roles (see Dependencies section):
# - ansible-ntp
# - ansible-role-java
- ansible-cassandra
If you don't wish to configure cassandra seed nodes via a cassandra_seed_groupname
(default: cassandra_seed
) inventory group, you can configure them statically:
cassandra_seed_resolution: static
- ...
As of November 2018, the cassandra homepage lists both openJDK and Oracle Java as supported (and offers their download links).
In the official upgrade-to-DSE docs one can find:
Important: Although Oracle JRE/JDK 8 is supported, DataStax does more extensive testing on OpenJDK 8 starting with DSE 6.0.3. This change is due to the end of public updates for Oracle JRE/JDK 8.)
It seems OpenJDK is the more future-proof JVM to use. This role is tested using openjdk.
In order to deploy Java on Ubuntu using Ansible, we have been using the 'ansible-role-java' role. This role will install OpenJDK 11 on Ubuntu 18.04 by default. If you are using this role, it is required to set the 'java_packages' variable before running it. for example:
# set the java packages installed by the ansible-role-java role manually.
java_packages: openjdk-8-jdk
Install molecule. E.g. ensure you have docker installed, then, using a virtualenv, pip install molecule ansible docker
molecule converge
to run the playbook against docker containers. If something fails,molecule --debug converge
shows error details.molecule lint
andmolecule syntax
can be used to get feedback on your yaml changes.molecule test
to destroy + converge + converge again for idempotence + destroy
If you want 'mocule converge' to be run each time you save a file in this repository, install entr, then run 'make'.
- troubleshooting: this issue has been observed with molecule, ansible 2.7 and docker. Workaround was to downgrade to ansible 2.5.
This role has been inspired by
- internal role used at Wire initially targeting older OSes and older cassandra versions.
- this cassandra role and its dependent roles (insufficient for our needs)
- WARN: JMX is not enabled to receive remote connections. Please see for more info.
- test backups and restore
- document usage of prometheus .prom files and node-exporter
- check out if instead of cron jobs a repair alternative could be