Exploiting deep transfer learning for the prediction of functional noncoding variants using genomic sequence
We will propose a deep transfer learning model, which is based on deep convolutional neural network, to improve the prediction for functional noncoding variants from a specific context. To overcome the challenge of few validated functional noncoding variants, the transfer learning model consists of pretrained layers trained by large-scale generic functional noncoding variants, and retrained layers by context-specific functional noncoding variants with the pretrained layers frozen.
Li Chen ([email protected])
TLVar is implemented by TensorFlow/Keras.
- Python 3.8
- Keras == 2.4.0
- TensorFlow == 2.3.0
- numpy >= 1.15.4
- scipy >= 1.2.1
- scikit-learn >= 0.20.3
- seaborn >=0.9.0
- matplotlib >=3.1.0
- statannot >=0.2.3
Download TLVar:
git clone https://github.com/lichen-lab/TLVar
python main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [--comparison] [--pretrain] [--jobname JOBNAME]
[--pretrain_model PRETRAIN_MODEL] [--data_file DATA_FILE]
[--seq_file SEQ_FILE] [--snp_file SNP_FILE]
[--seq_files SEQ_FILES [SEQ_FILES ...]]
[--snp_files SNP_FILES [SNP_FILES ...]]
[--frac_pretrain FRAC_PRETRAIN]
[--frac_trains FRAC_TRAINS [FRAC_TRAINS ...]]
[--frac_test FRAC_TEST] [--frac_val FRAC_VAL]
[--methods METHODS [METHODS ...]] [--nrep NREP]
[--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--dropout DROPOUT]
[--ilayer ILAYER] [--nodes NODES [NODES ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--comparison Use this option for comparing TL model
--pretrain Use this option for pretrain model
--jobname JOBNAME Job name for model, figure and result
--pretrain_model PRETRAIN_MODEL
Pretrained model h5 file
--data_file DATA_FILE
h5 data file for x y
--seq_file SEQ_FILE fasta sequence for SNPs
--snp_file SNP_FILE label for SNPs
--seq_files SEQ_FILES [SEQ_FILES ...]
fasta sequence for SNPs for multiple diseases
--snp_files SNP_FILES [SNP_FILES ...]
label for SNPs for multiple diseases
--frac_pretrain FRAC_PRETRAIN
Fractions of pre-training samples
--frac_trains FRAC_TRAINS [FRAC_TRAINS ...]
Fractions of training samples
--frac_test FRAC_TEST
Fraction of testing samples
--frac_val FRAC_VAL Fraction of validation_split
--methods METHODS [METHODS ...]
Methods used in comparison
--nrep NREP Number for experiments
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
The batch size for training
--epochs EPOCHS The max epoch for training
--dropout DROPOUT The dropout rate for training
--ilayer ILAYER ith layer starting transfer learning
--nodes NODES [NODES ...]
Number of nodes in customized layers
Rscript --vanilla snptoseq.R HGMD HGMD 500 hg19
python main.py \
--pretrain \
--jobname hgmd \
--seq_files HGMD.fasta \
--snp_files HGMD.bed \
--frac_pretrain 1 \
--frac_val 0.2 \
--batch_size 128 \
--epochs 50
Re-train model using context-specific functional noncoding variants and compare four deep learning models:
(i) Base-model: all layers of the base network is pretrained by integrated generic functional NCVs; (ii) Self-model: all layers of the base network is trained by context-specific MPRA variants; (iii) Transfer learning model (TLVar): the convolutional layers are inherited from the base network with all layers’ parameters frozen and the dense layers are retrained by context-specific MPRA variants in the target network; (iv) Transfer learning model without retraining dense layers (TLVar0): the convolutional layers are inherited from the base network with all layers’ parameters frozen but dense layers are randomly initiated.
python main.py \
--jobname CAGI_train \
--pretrain_model hgmd1.0.seq.h5 \
--data_file CAGI_train.h5 \
--frac_trains 0.1 1 \
--frac_test 0.2 \
--frac_val 0.2 \
--methods tl self \
--nrep 5 \
--batch_size 64 \
--epochs 50 \
--dropout 0.5 \
--ilayer 2 \
--nodes 128 64