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VeloSteve committed Aug 11, 2020
2 parents ac512c3 + de5d109 commit d235ec2
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Showing 214 changed files with 3,179 additions and 1,160 deletions.
155 changes: 108 additions & 47 deletions A_Coral_Model.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions AutoRepeatModel.m

This file was deleted.

14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions AutoRepeatModelRuns.m
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
%% Repeatedly run the model for all cases at once.

% Read the default inputs as a starting point.
parameters = 'C:\Users\Steve\Google Drive\Coral_Model_Steve\GUIState_AndRunHistory\modelVars_paper.txt';
%parameters = 'C:\Users\Steve\Google Drive\Coral_Model_Steve\GUIState_AndRunHistory\modelVars_paper.txt';
parameters = 'D:\GitHub\Coral-Model-V12\modelVars.txt';
[~, pd] = getInputStructure(parameters);

% Each use of this script will require some editing, since the selection of
Expand All @@ -10,11 +11,12 @@
% with 3 different temperature deltas and 4 different rcp cases.

% Every combination will be a separate run.
rcpList = {'rcp45', 'rcp85'}; % 'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'rcp60', 'rcp85'
deltaTList = [1]; % [0.0, 1.0];
modeList = [9]; % [0, 7]; % 0 7
eList = [1, 0];
oaList = [0, 1];
%#ok<*NBRAK> % MATLAB warns by default when a list has one element.
rcpList = {'rcp26', 'rcp45', 'rcp60', 'rcp85'}; %, 'rcp85'};
deltaTList = [0 0.5 1.0 1.5]; % [0.0, 1.0];
modeList = [9];
eList = [0 1];
oaList = [0 1];
nRuns = length(rcpList)*length(deltaTList)*length(modeList)*length(eList)*length(oaList);

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30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions AutoRepeatParallel.m

This file was deleted.

Binary file modified Bleaching_Mortality_Definitions.mlx
Binary file not shown.
48 changes: 44 additions & 4 deletions Clean_Bleach_Stats.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
function [ C_monthly, S_monthly, C_yearly, S_yearly, bleachEvent, bleached, dead ] ...
= Clean_Bleach_Stats( C, S, C_seed, S_seed, dt, TIME, bleachParams, coralConstants )
function [ C_monthly, S_monthly, C_yearly, S_yearly, bleachEvent, coldEvent, bleached, dead ] ...
= Clean_Bleach_Stats( C, S, C_seed, S_seed, dt, TIME, temp, bleachParams, coralConstants )
%Clean_Bleach_Stats computes columns of coral health flags for plotting and tables.
% This is a complete rewrite of Get_Bleach_Freq to remove any unneeded
% code and variables. The list-of-events approach is scrapped.
% Required outputs, straight from the the feature request, except that
% some may be better computed in the per-reef plot routine.

% No longer consider drops in coral population to be bleaching. This has
% little effect on overall results, and removes the objection that these
% drops may not be due to bleaching.
ignoreCoralDrops = true;

% Inside a single reef's run:
% coral cover by month
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +63,12 @@
for i=1:ccol
C_monthly(:, i) = decimate(C(:, i), stepsPerMonth , 'fir');
C_yearly(:, i) = decimate(C(:, i), stepsPerYear, 'fir');
%fprintf("===== WARNING: 'fir' is the production code. Temporarily replaced by yearly mean. =====\n");
%y = 1;
%for m = 1:12:240*12
% C_yearly(y, i) = mean(C_monthly(m:m+11, i));
% y = y + 1;
for i = 1:scol
S_monthly(:, i) = decimate(S(:, i), stepsPerMonth , 'fir');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,6 +118,7 @@
bleached = false(yearCount, numCorals);
dead = false(yearCount, numCorals);
bleachEvent = false(yearCount, numCorals);
coldEvent = false(yearCount, numCorals);
lastBleaching = nan(numCorals,1);
for coral = 1:numCorals
bleachFlag = false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,12 +155,40 @@
% Not bleached, check for bleaching.
% Declines in either symbionts or bleaching can define bleaching.
sB = Smin(y, coral) < Smin(y-1, coral) * sBleach(coral);
cB = Cmin(y, coral) < Cmin(y-1, coral) * cBleach(coral);
if ignoreCoralDrops
cB = false;
cB = Cmin(y, coral) < Cmin(y-1, coral) * cBleach(coral);
if sB || cB
bleached(y:end, coral) = true;
bleachFlag = true;
lastBleaching(coral) = y;
bleachEvent(y, coral) = true;
bleachEvent(y, coral) = true;
% Call it cold water bleaching if it was 0.5 C warmer 2 months ago.
% BUT we are working with annual min/max. Try getting the
% month of the annual low, and working back to SST.
% Are we looking for annual C min or S min?
% Check if sB is true, use that, otherwise use cB (one must
% be true).
endStep = y * stepsPerYear;
startStep = endStep - stepsPerYear + 1;
if sB
% Ssum is the sum of all symbiont populations in each
% coral type, at time-step frequency.
[~, iMin] = min(Ssum(startStep:endStep, coral));
[~, iMin] = min(C(startStep:endStep, coral));
% iMin is the index of the minimum within the subset year.
%sstMin = temp(startStep + iMin - 1);
%sstBack2 = temp(startStep + iMin - 1 - 2 * stepsPerMonth);
% There seems to be a lag. Try comparing 2 months back to
% 4.
sstBack2 = temp(startStep + iMin - 1 - 2 * stepsPerMonth);
sstBack4 = temp(startStep + iMin - 1 - 4 * stepsPerMonth);
coldEvent(y, coral) = sstBack4 - sstBack2 > 0.5;

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Binary file modified FigureGeneration/AllPublicationFigureNotes.docx
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