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coin parameters and all files needed for GUI support

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The filename in each subdirectory needs to match the coin's symbol exactly, it is the unique field by which different coins are indexed. Please use .png files for icons

About this repository

This repository is the coins database which is accessed by AtomicDEX API and graphical applications like AtomicDEX Mobile, atomicDEX-Desktop, DogeDEX etc. to enable coins for trading.

Prerequisites for a coin to be compatible with AtomicDEX-API

Bitcoin compatibles


ERC20 tokens

  • The token contract must have approve and transferFrom methods. Additionally, the transfer and transferFrom methods must return a boolean value (true/false) indicating whether a transfer was successful. This requirement is actually a part of the ERC20 standard, but many tokens seem to not follow it.

When submitting a pull request to add a coin to AtomicDEX-API, make sure you have completed this checklist:

0. The coin must have participated in a successful Atomic Swap using AtomicDEX-API

When submitting your coin addition request, please submit the URLs of the 5 transactions (takerfee sent, maker payment, taker payment and taker payment spent, maker payment spent) produced by successful swap in a new file inside the swaps directory, example. This means that, before going through the further steps and submitting the information to this coins database repo, you would have performed a successful atomic swap. The further steps explain the expected files/values to be submitted.

You can learn about performing an atomic swap from our documentation at this link

If you have any questions, please ask in the #support channel in our Discord server or you can get help from the team at [email protected] or [email protected] .

1. Coin info added to coins file (Required)

You need the following info in JSON format added to the coins file:

Example 1 (UTXO coin)

                "coin": "LTC",
                "name": "litecoin",
                "fname": "Litecoin",
                "rpcport": 9332,
                "pubtype": 48,
                "p2shtype": 50,
                "wiftype": 176,
                "txfee": 0,
                "dust": 5460,
                "segwit": true,
                "mm2": 1,
                "required_confirmations": 2,
                "avg_blocktime": 2.5,
                "protocol": {
                        "type": "UTXO"

Example 2 (KMD smartchain)

                "coin": "MCL",
                "asset": "MCL",
                "fname": "MarmaraCreditLoops",
                "rpcport": 33825,
                "txversion": 4,
                "overwintered": 1,
                "mm2": 1,
                "required_confirmations": 5,
                "requires_notarization": false,
                "avg_blocktime": 1,
                "protocol": {
                        "type": "UTXO"

Example 3 (ERC20 token)

                "coin": "USDC-ERC20",
                "name": "usdc_erc20",
                "fname": "USD Coin",
                "rpcport": 80,
                "mm2": 1,
                "required_confirmations": 3,
                "avg_blocktime": 0.25,
                "protocol": {
                        "type": "ERC20",
                        "protocol_data": {
                                "platform": "ETH",
                                "contract_address": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"

Example 4 (BEP20 token)

                "coin": "USDC-BEP20",
                "name": "usdc_bep20",
                "fname": "USD Coin",
                "rpcport": 80,
                "mm2": 1,
                "avg_blocktime": 0.05,
                "required_confirmations": 3,
                "protocol": {
                        "type": "ERC20",
                        "protocol_data": {
                                "platform": "BNB",
                                "contract_address": "0x8AC76a51cc950d9822D68b83fE1Ad97B32Cd580d"

Example 5 (QRC20 token)

                "coin": "QC",
                "name": "qtum",
                "fname": "Qcash",
                "rpcport": 3889,
                "pubtype": 58,
                "p2shtype": 50,
                "wiftype": 128,
                "segwit": true,
                "txfee": 0,
                "mm2": 1,
                "required_confirmations": 3,
                "avg_blocktime": 2.133,
                "protocol": {
                        "type": "QRC20",
                        "protocol_data": {
                                "platform": "QTUM",
                                "contract_address": "0xf2033ede578e17fa6231047265010445bca8cf1c"

General parameters

  • "coin" must be coin ticker. If the coin is on more than one chain, please use COIN-CHAIN as ticker, eg USDC-BEP20.
  • "fname" must be coin's full name.
  • "mm2" all the coins that were successfully atomic swapped through the AtomicDEX-API have this key set to 1 (you have to set this parameter to 1 in your local coins file when testing)
  • "required_confirmations" the number of confirmations AtomicDEX will wait for during the swap. Default value is 1. WARNING, this setting affects the security of the atomic swap. 51% attacks (double spending) are a threat and have been succesfully conducted in the past. Read more about it here. You can find a collection of coins and the theoretical cost of a 51% attack here. Please be aware that some of the coins supported by AtomicDEX are vulnerable to such attacks, so consider using higher values for them, especially when dealing with high amounts.
  • "requires_notarization" tells AtomicDEX to wait for a notarization during the swap. This only works with dPoW coins and "required_confirmations" must be set to 2 or higher.
  • "decimals" defines the number of digits after the decimal point that should be used to display the orderbook amounts, balance, and the value of inputs to be used in the case of order creation or a withdraw transaction. The default value used for a UTXO type coin (Bitcoin Protocol) is 8 and the default value used for a ERC20 Token is 18. It is very important for this value to be set correctly. For example, if this value was set as 9 for BTC, a command to withdraw 1 BTC tries to withdraw 10^9 satoshis of Bitcoin, i.e., 10 BTC
  • "protocol" contains the coin protocol "type" (UTXO, ETH, etc.) and specific protocol configuration - "protocol_data" object that can have arbitrary format.

Bitcoin Protocol specific JSON

  • "name" must be coin's name, in all small letters. This is the value which is expected to be default data directory name for that coin. Example if coin's name is litecoin then it's expected data directory on Linux is ~/.litecoin/, on Mac ~/Library/Applications Support/Litecoin/, on Windows %AppData%\Litecoin. Please keep this key's value in small letters only.
  • "confpath" must be ONLY used in case the expected data directory name of the coin/project is different to the "name"'s value, as explained in last point. Please refer to Example 3 for better understanding. Make sure to use the exact format for confpath. You don't need to change the word USERHOME, it remains as is. Make sure you have /. after USERHOME. And then the expected coin/project's data directory path and it's expected .conf file name.
  • "rpcport" must be coin's default RPC port. It is expected that it doesn't conflict with any existing coin in the coins db.
  • "pubtype", "p2shtype", and "wiftype" is the also very specific information about coin's parameters. This is specific to Bitcoin Protocol compatible coins only, and such information can be found in source code of the project. These parameters information can be expected in files like src/init.cpp, src/base58.h, and src/chainparamsbase.h if the project is following the bitcoin source code directory/files structure. If the parameters info is unclear then please have these confirmed by that coin/project's developers and make sure it's correct information.
  • "txfee" is a value of default transactions fee, which must be specified in satoshies unit. AtomicDEX uses this as the default transaction fee value when making atomic swaps transactions. If set to 0, AtomicDEX will use a dynamic fee based on output from estimatesmartfee.
  • "overwintered" must be 1 if Overwinter upgrade was activated for the coin.
  • "taddr" is only relevant for coins that forked the Zcash protocol and have both transparent addresses and z-addresses. The value to be set for this key can be found from the file src/chainparams.cpp of the coin's source code and it is the first value present in both base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] and base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS]. But it has to be converted to decimal from HEX. So if base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = {0x1C,0xB8} , the taddr is 0x1C coverted to decimal. As 0x1C in HEX = 28 in decimal, the entry in the json will be "taddr" : 28
  • force_min_relay_fee - if this key is set to true for coins with dynamic fees, when a new transaction is generated, AtomicDEX-API will check whether the total fee set (sat * tx size) is lower than relay fee and will use the relay fee instead.
  • mtp_block_count - number of blocks to be used for the calculation of median time past. Must be greater than 0. Default value is 11. While this parameter is applicable only in the case of KMD reward calculation for now, it will be used for calculating locktimes to be set for the atomic swap refund transactions. Can be ignored for most coins for now.
  • estimate_fee_mode - sets the fee mode for the estimatesmartfee call. Supported values are: ECONOMICAL,CONSERVATIVE, UNSET. Please note that some coins may not support some of these modes. Makes no effect for coins that do not have the estimatesmartfee RPC.
  • address_format - defines whether to use the standard bitcoin address format or the cash address format for BCH. More formats may be added in the future. Possible values as of now: "address_format":{"format":"standard"} to set the standard BTC/UTXO address format. "address_format":{"format":"cashaddress","network":"NETWORK_ID"} to use BCH specific address format. NETWORK_ID can be: bitcoincash for BCH mainnet, bchtest for BCH testnet and bchreg for BCH regtest.
  • isPoS - whether the coin uses proof of stake. This key decides whether the transactions created have the nTime field. Can be 0 or 1.
  • segwit - is a boolean value, if set to true, AtomicDEX-API will allow withdrawal to P2SH addresses. Will possibly mean full segwit support in the future.
  • version_group_id - sets the version_group_id used by Zcash (and its forks') transactions. Determined automatically by tx version and overwintered if not set.
  • consensus_branch_id - sets the consensus_branch_id used in Zcash (and its forks') transactions' signature hash calculation. Determined automatically by tx version and overwintered if not set.
  • mature_confirmations - number of blockchain confirmations required for coinbase output to be considered mature (spendable).

Ethereum Protocol specific JSON

  • Ethereum protocol specific coin/project add request are the simplest. "coin", "name", and "fname" information is same as explained in bitcoin protocol specific json section.
  • Protocol "type" field: "ETH" or "ERC20"
  • Protocol "protocol_data" field (ERC20 only): "platform" - "ETH", "ETC" or other Ethereum forks. "contract_address" - ERC20 token checksummed smart contract address.

QRC20 Protocol specific JSON

  • Supports all fields of UTXO specific config.
  • Protocol "type" field: "QRC20".
  • Protocol "protocol_data" field: "platform" - "QTUM" or QTUM forks. "contract_address" - QRC20 token smart contract address.

2. Icon file (Required)

  • The icon file is required.
  • Icon must be a .png format file.
  • Dimentions of icon file is 82x82 pixels.
  • Icon file name MUST be in small letters.
  • Icon file location is icons directory.

3. Explorer URL (Required)

  • Explorer file name must be coin's ticker name matching the "coin" value as specified in coins file.
  • Explorer file name must not have any file extension. It is a file without any . extension.
  • Explorer file name must be in all capital letters.
  • It must have a valid JSON array with at least one Explorer URL in it. It's better if there are more than one explorer URLs in this JSON array. Example: ["",""].
  • The URL of Explorer must be pointing to the transactions URL. Check BTC file for an example: explorers/BTC, which has [""]. This explorers URL is used to link to the transactions like this example link in GUIs. Make sure this URL ends with /.

4. Electrum Servers (Optional; Required for listing in Mobile GUIs)

  • Electrum file name must be coin's ticker name matching the "coin" value as specified in coins file.
  • Electrum file name must not have any file extension. It is a file without any . extension.
  • Electrum file name must be all in capital letters.
  • It must be a valid JSON format as shown in the following example:
    "url": "",
    "protocol": "SSL",
    "disable_cert_verification": true,
    "contact": [
      {"email": "[email protected]"},
      {"matrix": ""},
      {"skype": "example_username"},
      {"twitter": "example_username"},
      {"reddit": "example_username"},
      {"github": "example_username"},
      {"keybaseio": "example_username"}
    "url": "",
    "protocol": "SSL",
    "disable_cert_verification": false,
    "contact": [
      {"email": "[email protected]"}
  • Details of at least 2 Electrum servers must be provided.
  • Protocol can be "SSL" or "TCP".
  • Contact information must be provided in case the server admin needs to be contacted in emergency situations. It can be any contact information out of the examples provided. Or may be add your own service/contact information as it suites you.
  • The address and port of electrum server are required. The address of electrum server can either be a DNS or an IP address.

5. Ethereum info file (Required for ETH/ERC20)

  • File name must be coin's ticker name matching the "coin" value as specified in coins file.
  • File name must not have any file extension. It is a file without any . extension.
  • File name must be all in capital letters.
  • It must be a valid JSON format as shown in the following example:
  "rpc_nodes": [
        "contact": [
          {"email": "[email protected]"},
          {"matrix": ""},
          {"skype": "example_username"},
          {"twitter": "example_username"},
          {"reddit": "example_username"},
          {"github": "example_username"},
          {"keybaseio": "example_username"}
        "contact": [
          {"email": "[email protected]"}
  • Swap contract address must be the address of etomic swap smart contract deployed to ETH network, example.
  • At least minimum 2 or more URLs of RPC nodes must be provided.
  • Contact information must be provided in case the server admin needs to be contacted in urgent cases. It can be any contact information out of the examples provided. Or may be add your own service/contact information as suites you.
  • The RPC node URL can either be a DNS or an IP address with port.
  • Projects repo
  • This file is monitored by parser in order to automatically rebuild/deploy the portal on any changes to the current integration of coins to the DEX ecosystem.
  • It contains json data for parser with up-to-date adex-mob and adex-pro coins integrations as well as all-tickers with available electrum servers that are not yet in our DEX products.
  • The maintainer of this file is dathbezumniy.


coin parameters and all files needed for GUI support






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