Releases: VeriumReserve/verium-oldrepo
Verium 1.1 Release
This update is a complete overhaul of hashing code to incorporate multi-architecture assembly level optimizations to scrypt hashing including AVX and AVX2 support, resulting in in-wallet mining at highest speeds possible. These assembly optimizations are also used for work checking resulting in a significantly faster sync speed of scrypt squared hashes. This update also includes the option to update the conf file for new nodes when reloading the blockchain (bootstrap). Additionally bootstrap support is available in the daemon. This update also slims down the wallet considerably to maximize performance for mining and fixes a syncing indicator bug. There is also a new support tab with links to key community and support sites. General security and bug fixes as well.
Verium 1.0.4 Release
This update adds a miner optimization that minimizes the number of memory allocations while mining, credit to Rlmic on for finding this optimization due to memory hardness.
Verium 1.0.3 Release
This is a recommended update that optimizes the built in cpu miner to minimize the number of stale hashes for scrypt² (credit to Rlmic on and improves the accuracy of the hashmeter readout and thus the block hit estimator.
Verium Release
Removed temporary client side error pass through difficulty change transition, and fix for seg fault building new genesis block.
Verium 1.0.2 Release
This is a mandatory protocol update which fixes a flaw in the difficulty adjustment when there is a significant divergence in timestamping of blocks.
Verium 1.0.1 Release
This is a minor bug fix and maintenance update that fixes some UI bugs, hardcodes a second supernode, updates the conf file and checkpoints block 1500 to enforce the now initiated mainchain history.
Verium 1.0.0 Release
This is the launch release of Verium featuring a new Proof-of-Work protocol with a variable block-time dependent on difficutly called Proof of Work-Time and a very memory-hard hashing algorithm called scrypt² as it is 1024x more memory hard than standard scrypt with an N of 1024. This results in a minimum of 128MB of memory per thread.