This repository contains some of the pratices that I made during PDIVC classes (digital image processing and computational vision - or - processamento digital de imagens e visão computacional in portuguese) at @IFES
It is a summary of what I've learned on digital image processing using mostly OpenCV Python lib ( Inside each folder is a in which I try to explain what the code does and some of the theory of digital image processing! :-)
- pratica01: loading an image and displaying it
- pratica02: splitting RGB channels, converting RGB to grayscale using different methods, binary images
- pratica03: image manipulation, histogram equalization, logarithym filter
- pratica04: other filters, like mean and laplace
- pratica05: binary thresholding, webcam input and skin segmentation/detection using color information
- pratica06: canny border detector and harris corner detector
- EXTRA: filtering-borders ---> image filtering using for loops and not the already existing function
Some visual examples: