Rails API Boilerplate is a boilerplate project for a JSON REST API and homepages with VueJs. It can be used for creating an API for a mobile application and simple homepage describing what the mobile app does.
This boilerplate comes with following:
This template comes with:
- Schema
- Users table
- Company table
- Endpoints
- CRUD companies
- CRUD users
- Sign in with user credentials
- Get and update user profile
- Pages
- home page
- Rspec tests
- API documentation
- VueJS integration with webpacker
- TailwindCSS integration
- MongoDB
- Clone this repo
- Install MongoDB
- Initialize Database
rails db:seed
create db indexesrake db:mongoid:create_indexes
- Initialize Test Database
rake db:mongoid:create_indexes RAILS_ENV=test
and make sure all tests passbundle exec rspec 'spec/'
rails s
- Swagger api documentation available on
- Jbuilder for json views
- Puma for the server
- webpacker Transpile app-like JavaScript
- mongoid using mongoDB with Rails
- sidekiq background processing for Ruby
- pundit simple, robust and scalable authorization system
- blueprinter json serializers
- grape REST-like API framework for Ruby
- grape-swagger autogenerated documentation for your Grape API
- grape-swagger-rails Swagger UI for api documentation
- hashie hashi hash helper
- grape_devise_token_auth compatibility layer between devise_token_auth and grape
- mongoid-locker Document-level optimistic locking for MongoDB
- Rack CORS for handling CORS
- Devise for basic auth
- Devise Token Auth for api auth testing
- RSpec for testing
- factory_bot_rails Test data generator
- Faker fake test data generator
- database_cleaner-mongoid Clean your Mongoid databases with Database Cleaner
- @rails/webpacker Webpacker for Rails
- tailwindcss A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces
- vue rogressive framework for building user interfaces