WeatherVisualizer is an Angular project for dynamically displaying weather data in a browser.
To set up the website, you first need:
- Nodejs installed (run
node -v
to check if you have it installed) - Npm installed (run
npm -v
to check if you have it installed) - Angular Cli installed (run
npm install -g @angular/cli
to install it)
Once you have NodeJs, NPM and the AngularCLI, then:
- Open 2 Powershell/Cmd terminals
- In the both, go to the clone directory WeatherVisualizer
- In the first terminal, go to the WeatherVisualizer directory and run
ng serve
- In the second terminal, go to the gobetween directory and run
npm start
Once you have the project set up, open a browser go to http://localhost:4200/
In both the dropdown menu and the input box, you can chose the city whose forecast you want to see.
In the page footer, you can expand a table containing all of the cities in the database.