A PowerShell module for compressing and decompressing archive files using only native .NET Framework 4.5 classes.
- Create a new .zip archive.
- Add files to an existing .zip archive.
- Extract all files from a .zip archive.
- Extract individual files from a .zip archive.
Requires Powershell 3.0 or above and the .NET Framework v4.5 or higher.
If you find it useful, unearth any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements, feel free to add an issue or place a comment at the project home page.
- Automatic (via Chocolatey):
- Run 'choco install VirtualEngine-Compression'.
- Run 'Import-Module VirtualEngine.Compression'.
- Automatic (via OneGet on Windows 10 - until I can publish this to the PSGallery feed):
- Run 'Install-Package VirtualEngine-Compression -Source chocolatey'.
- Launch the PowerShell ISE.
- Run 'Import-Module VirtualEngine.Compression'.
- Manual:
- Download the latest release.
- Ensure the .zip file is unblocked (properties of the file / General) and extract to your Powershell module directory "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules".
- Launch the PowerShell ISE.
- Run 'Import-Module VirtualEngine.Compression'.
- If you want it to be loaded automatically when ISE starts, add the line above to your ISE profile (see $profile).
Refer to the built-in cmdlet help.
- Get a list of available cmdlets: Get-Command -Module VirtualEngine.Compression
- Get an individual's cmdlet help: Get-Help New-ZipArchive -Full
Because we couldn't find a PowerShell module that doesn't require 3rd party assemblies and we needed the ability to build .zip archives with PSake. In addition, this module will become a dependency for other Virtual Engine modules and DSC resources in the near future.
Written in PowerShell :)