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END to End ML Project Energy Efficiency on Residual Buildings - Vishnu M

Problem Statement:

  • Predict and understand the impact of building design features on both heating and cooling energy needs in residential buildings using both traditional and advanced machine learning approaches.

There are 8 Independent Variables.

  • relative compactness: continuous.
  • surface area: continuous.
  • wall area: continuous.
  • roof area: continuous.
  • overall height: continuous.
  • orientation: continuous.
  • glazing area: continuous.
  • glazing area distribution: continuous.

Target Varibale: Average Heating and Colling Load

Dataset Source Link :

Approach of the project

EDA,FE and Model Traing Approach Notebook:

  • In EDA, I have created an deep and clean realtions between every column and made some plots using seaborn and matplotlib.
  • In FE, I have handled missing values,created a all categorical to numerical columns.
  • I have trained the model using classification algorithms, the best model found is Logistic Regresssion with 85% accuracy.

Link: Model training Notebook

Modular Code steps:

  1. Data Ingestion :

    • In Data Ingestion phase the data is first read as csv.
    • Then the data is split into training and testing and saved as csv file.
  2. Data Transformation :

    • In this phase a ColumnTransformer Pipeline is created.
    • for Numeric Variables first SimpleImputer is applied with strategy median ,then Standard Scaling is performed on numeric data.
    • for Categorical Variables SimpleImputer is applied with most frequent strategy, then ordinal encoding performed , after this data is scaled with Standard Scaler.
    • This preprocessor is saved as pickle file.
  3. Model Training :

    • In this phase base model is tested . The best model found was Logistic Regression.
    • This model is saved as pickle file.
  4. Prediction Pipeline :

    • This pipeline converts given data into dataframe and has various functions to load pickle files and predict the final results in python.
  5. Flask App creation :

    • Flask app is created with User Interface to predict the energy efficiency on residual buildings inside a Web Application.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk link:

AWS ELastic Beanstalk link: (

Note : Currently the Environment and code pipeline is terminated.


Docker image + Github action + AWS EC2 + ECR Repo

  • steps:
  1. Docker Build checked
  2. Github Workflow
  3. Iam User In AWS
  • Docker Setup In EC2 commands to be Executed


    sudo apt-get update -y

    sudo apt-get upgrade


    curl -fsSL -o

    sudo sh

    sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu

    newgrp docker

  • Configure EC2 as self-hosted runner:

  • Setup github secrets: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=


    AWS_REGION = us-east-1

    AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI = demo>>

    ECR_REPOSITORY_NAME = simple-app


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