Python2 is no longer supported. You can find previous scripts with Python2
support under py2
This repository contains helper scripts that can simplify usage and administration of X-Road.
Provided scripts support TLS authentication with Security Server. Self-signed key and certificate can be created with openssl:
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout privateKey.key -out certificate.crt
If Security Server requires TLS authentication then you can add your TLS certificate in Security Server administration interface: MEMBER/SUBSYSTEM -> Internal Servers -> INTERNAL TLS CERTIFICATES
Scripts were tested with Python 3.8 (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) and Python 3.10 (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) - This script prints the contents of archived X-Road messagelog files to STDOUT. Therefore, providing a way to "grep" the contents of messagelog files. - Slower version of that additionally outputs message SigningTime.
xrdinfo - Python module that can be imported and used in any Python3 application. It implements the following:
- Loading of global configuration from Security Server, Central Server, or Configuration Proxy.
- Parsing of shared_params.xml and returning various elements.
- Handling of listMethods and allowedMethods X-Road requests for SOAP.
- Handling of listMethods and allowedMethods X-Road requests for REST.
- Handling of getWsdl X-Road requests.
- Handling of getOpenApi X-Road requests.
- Listing endpoints from OpenAPI documents.
xrdinfo module can be installed using pip:
# From checked out repository
pip install xrdinfo-src/
# Or directly from github
pip install 'xrdinfo @ git+'
There are also some scripts that use xrdinfo module. Note that output identifiers consist of slash separated Percent-Encoded parts to be compatible with X-Road REST identifiers:
- - Returns the list of all or allowed (services with access rights granted to the issuer of the X-Road request) methods (services) in X-Road instance. Downloads all WSDL documents of specified X-Road instance and creates an index for these WSDL's. This functionality was moved to repositories:- - Returns the list of methods provided or allowed by a specified X-Road Member.
- - Returns the list of all Subsystems in X-Road instance that are registered in at least one Security Server.
- - Returns the list of IP addresses of all Security Servers in X-Road instance. Can be used to configure Security Servers firewall.
- - Returns the list of all Security Servers in X-Road instance.
- - Returns the list of all Subsystems in X-Road instance.
- - Returns the list of all Members in X-Road instance.
- - Returns the list of all Subsystems in X-Road instance and additionally adding Member names to that list.
- - Returns the list of all Subsystems in X-Road instance and additionally adding Security Servers to that list.
- - Returns the service WSDL using X-Road request. This script can be useful when http://SECURITYSERVER/wsdl service is disabled or TLS authentication is required to access Security Server.
- - Returns the service OpenAPI description using X-Road request. - X-Road Health and Environment monitoring collector for Zabbix. Can be used by:
- Central monitoring to collect Environmental and Health data about all Security Servers in X-Road instance.
- Security Server owners to collect Environmental data of their Security Server.
- X-Road members to collect other members Health data.
When using MySQL as Zabbix database pay attention to Zabbix installation guide! You need to use "character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin" database creation parameters because service names and versions are case-sensitive in X-Road and "service.v1" is not equal to "Service.V1".
NB! Tested with Zabbix 6.0 LTS. - Sample shell script that can be executed from crontab to periodically collect the data.
Use the provided examples to create your configuration file:
- metrics.cfg_example - Example configuration file.
- metrics.cfg_local_example - Example configuration file for local Security Server monitoring.
Environment monitoring is using Zabbix template envmon_template.xml that should be imported into Zabbix prior to execution of the collector.
Collector requires py-zabbix package which can be installed with:
sudo pip install py-zabbix - Can be executed inside Security Server to display the list of Access Rights granted. Time is displayed in local timezone. This script is using psycopg2 python module that can be installed with the following command:
sudo apt-get install python3-psycopg2
The result is in CSV format and is outputted to STDOUT.
sudo su xroad -c "python3" > rights.csv - Can be executed inside Security Server to display time of the oldest message that was not timestamped. Returns nothing if all messages are timestamped. This script is using psycopg2 python module. Returns time in UTC. - Can be executed inside Operational Monitoring machine (by default Security Server machine) to display time of the last successful message. This script is using psycopg2 python module. Returns time in UTC. - Can be executed inside Security Server to display expiration dates of all active and registered certificates. Returns time in UTC. - Can be executed inside Security Server to display OCSP production time (the time of OCSP response production) for all active and registered certificates. Returns "ERROR" if ocsp response is not found. Returns time in UTC. - Can be executed inside Security Server to display expiration times of global configuration parts. - Can be used to check how many hosts in Zabbix were updated recently. Zabbix URL and credentials can be passed as command line arguments or via configuration file. Example configuration file: updated_hosts.cfg_example.