The repository contains the following files and directories:
- ck_landmarks.pkl: A pickle file containing landmarks and bounding box coordinates for facial images. Each row represents an image, and columns include filename, label, bounding box, and facial landmarks.
- train_data_70_20_10.pkl: A pickle file containing the training dataset, which is 70% of the total data. This file stores the PyTorch Geometric Data objects for training the model.
- val_data_70_20_10.pkl: A pickle file containing the validation dataset, which is 20% of the total data. This file stores the PyTorch Geometric Data objects for validating the model during training.
- test_data_70_20_10.pkl: A pickle file containing the testing dataset, which is 10% of the total data. This file stores the PyTorch Geometric Data objects for evaluating the model performance after training.
- fer2013_landmarks.pkl: A pickle file containing landmarks and bounding box coordinates for facial images from the FER2013 dataset. Each row represents an image, and columns include filename, label, bounding box, and facial landmarks.
- train_data_fer2013.pkl: A pickle file containing the training dataset for the FER2013 dataset. This file stores the PyTorch Geometric Data objects for training the model.
- val_data_fer2013.pkl: A pickle file containing the validation dataset for the FER2013 dataset. This file stores the PyTorch Geometric Data objects for validating the model during training.
- test_data_fer2013.pkl: A pickle file containing the testing dataset for the FER2013 dataset. This file stores the PyTorch Geometric Data objects for evaluating the model performance after training.
- An empty file that indicates to Python that the directory should be considered a package.
- A PyTorch model checkpoint file for the Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) model trained on the CK+ dataset.
- A Python script that contains functions for detecting facial landmarks, normalizing them, and saving the preprocessed data.
- A Python script that loads a trained model and performs inference on landmarks.
- A Python script that uses a webcam feed to detect facial landmarks and predict facial expressions in real-time.
- A Python script that contains helper functions for displaying landmarks on faces.
- reference_image.jpeg: A reference image used for aligning facial landmarks during normalization.
- ALL: Images of the test results including confusion matrix, classification report, training and validation loss and accuracy plots.
- .gitattributes: A Git configuration file that specifies attributes for pathnames to determine how Git should treat them. Contains a filter for Jupyter Notebook files to strip output cells when committing, to prevent merge conflicts.
- .gitignore: A Git configuration file that specifies files and directories that should be ignored by Git.
- A Markdown file that contains the results of testing different Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) architectures on the CK+ dataset. It includes details about the models, training parameters, and performance metrics.
- Basic_GCN.ipynb: A Jupyter Notebook file that contains the code for building a basic Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) model using PyTorch Geometric. It includes the model architecture, training loop, and evaluation steps.
- ck_dataset_generation.ipynb: A Jupyter Notebook file that contains the code for generating the training, validation, and test datasets from the
file. It includes steps for data preprocessing, splitting, and saving the datasets into pickle files.
- fer2013_dataset_generation.ipynb: A Jupyter Notebook file that contains the code for generating the training, validation, and test datasets from the
file. It includes steps for data preprocessing, splitting, and saving the datasets into pickle files.
- standard_mesh_adj_matrix.csv: A CSV file that represents the adjacency matrix for a standard mesh. This file is used to define the connections (edges) between nodes (landmarks) in the facial images for graph-based processing.
- Face Detection and Landmark Extraction: Use MediaPipe's Face Mesh to detect facial landmarks in an input image. This step extracts 468 landmarks for each detected face.
- Bounding Box Calculation: Compute the bounding box around the detected face using the extracted landmarks. This helps in isolating the face from the rest of the image.
- Landmark Centering: Center the extracted landmarks to the origin by calculating their centroid and adjusting all landmark coordinates accordingly.
- Scaling Landmarks: Scale the centered landmarks so that their values fit within a range of 0 to 1. This normalization step ensures consistency in landmark values.
- Landmark Alignment: Align the landmarks to a set of reference landmarks using Procrustes analysis. This step standardizes the orientation and position of the face based on reference landmarks extracted from a reference image.
- Normalization: Combine centering, scaling, and alignment steps to fully normalize the landmarks. This results in a consistent representation of facial landmarks across different images.
- Data Storage: Put the image name, expression label, bounding box coordinates, and list of normalized landmarks for each image in a dataframe.
- Save Preprocessed Data: Save the DataFrame to a file using the pickle module for later use.
- Load Landmark Data: Load the preprocessed landmark data from the saved file.
- Create Graph Data Objects: Convert the landmark data into PyTorch Geometric Data objects for graph-based processing. This involves creating nodes for each landmark and defining edges based on the adjacency matrix.
- Split Dataset: Split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets based on the specified ratios (e.g., 70% training, 20% validation, 10% test).
- Verify Dataset: Check the distribution of labels in each dataset to ensure a balanced split.
- Save Datasets: Save the training, validation, and test datasets as pickle files for easy access during model training and evaluation.
- Define GCN Model: Implement a basic Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) model using PyTorch Geometric. This model consists of multiple GINConv layers followed by a linear layer for classification.
- Class Weights: Calculate class weights to handle class imbalance in the dataset during training.
- Loss Function: Define the loss function (e.g., Cross Entropy Loss) to optimize the model parameters during training.
- Optimizer: Choose an optimizer (e.g., Adam) to update the model parameters based on the computed gradients.
- Early Stopping: Implement early stopping to prevent overfitting by monitoring the validation loss and stopping training when it starts to increase.
- Training Loop: Define the training loop to optimize the model parameters using backpropagation and gradient descent. This loop includes forward pass, loss calculation, backward pass, and optimizer step.
- Save Model: Save the trained model with the lowest validation loss as a checkpoint file for later use.
- Plotting Loss and Accuracy: Visualize the training and validation loss and accuracy over epochs to monitor the model's learning progress.
- Confusion Matrix: Visualize the confusion matrix to understand the distribution of predicted labels compared to ground truth labels.
- Metrics: Calculate classification metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score to quantify the model's performance.
- Load Trained Model: Load the trained GCN model from a saved checkpoint file.
- Preprocess Input Data: Preprocess the input data (e.g., live webcam feed or test images) by detecting facial landmarks, normalizing them, and converting them into PyTorch Geometric Data objects.
- Inference on Data: Perform inference on data to predict facial expressions using the trained model.
The following first results were obtained by training a Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) model on the CK+ dataset using the PyTorch Geometric library. The model achieved an accuracy of 80% on the test set.