A simple yet powerful OTP (One-Time Password) input component for React Native applications.
npm install react-native-biotp
# or
yarn add react-native-biotp
import BiOTP from 'react-native-biotp';
const App = () => {
return (
onFilled={(code) => console.log('OTP Code:', code)}
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
length | number | 6 | Length of the OTP code |
variant | 'box' | 'underline' | 'box' | Visual style of the input |
dark | boolean | false | Enable dark mode |
onTextChange | (text: string) => void | - | Callback when text changes |
onFilled | (code: string) => void | - | Callback when all digits are filled |
onSubmit | (code: string) => void | - | Callback when submit button is pressed |
focusColor | string | '#007AFF' | Color of the focused input |
type | KeyboardTypeOptions | 'numeric' | Keyboard type for input |
placeholder | string | '0' | Placeholder for empty inputs |
visible | boolean | false | Control visibility of OTP input |
title | string | 'Enter Verification Code' | Title text |
buttonStyle | 'primary' | 'secondary' | 'primary' | Style variant for button |