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Use this library to communicate with the Facebook Messenger API to develop a bot for Facebook Messenger. Go to developers.facebook.com to learn more and start building a bot.
[npm install fb-bot-api
The Facebook Messenger bot library is released under the terms of the MIT license. See License for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
Sample config:
var config = {
PORT: 8080,
PROXY_CONFIG: 'loopback',
URL_PREFIX: '/facebook'
FB_MESSAGE_URL: 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6',
APP_ID: '...',
PAGE_ID: '...',
MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TRACKING_TIMEOUT: 30000 // Optional settings which enables tracking a delivery of sent messages
Make bot instance:
var FacebookBot = require('fb-bot-api').Facebook;
var instance = new FacebookBot(config);
instance.on('message', function (sender, message) {
instance.on('message-image', function (sender, imageUrl) {
instance.on('message-postback', function (sender, postback) {
instance.on('message-read', function (sender, read) {
instance.on('message-optin', function (sender, optin) {
instance.on('error', function (error) {
instance.on('message-delivered', function (sender, signature) {
// Welcome message
instance.bot.setWelcome('Hello world!');
instance.bot.setWelcome('Hello world!', [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Start'
type: 'postback',
label: 'End'
// Normal messages with and without links
instance.bot.sendText(facebookUserId, 'Some message');
instance.bot.sendText(facebookUserId, 'Some message', [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Answer'
type: 'web_url',
label: 'Google',
content: 'https://google.com'
// Image messages
instance.bot.sendImage(facebookUserId, 'https://images.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png');
instance.bot.sendImage(facebookUserId, '/local/path/to/file.png');
// Structured messages with horizontal scrolling
instance.bot.sendItems(facebookUserId, [
title: "Welcome to My Company #1!",
item_url: "https://www.petersbowlerhats.com",
image_url: "https://www.petersbowlerhats.com/img/hat.jpeg",
subtitle: "We have the right hat for everyone.",
buttons: [
type: "web_url",
label: "View Website 1",
content: "https://www.petersbowlerhats.com"
type: "postback",
label: "Start Chatting 1"
title: "Welcome to My Company #2!",
item_url: "https://www.petersbowlerhats.com",
image_url: "https://www.petersbowlerhats.com/img/hat.jpeg",
subtitle: "We have the right hat for everyone.",
buttons: [
type: "web_url",
label: "View Website 2",
content: "https://www.petersbowlerhats.com"
type: "postback",
label: "Start Chatting 2"
By default the system initialise Express 4 web-server instance to listen for FB Messenger webhook messages, if thats an overkill for you can pass custom web-server engine as the second param of FacebookBot constructor, like new FacebookBot(config, express())
This library is still early in it's development, lacks tests and features, so use on your own risk.