A Symfony bundle to manage fixtures with nelmio/alice and fzaninotto/Faker.
- Install
- Basic usage
- Advanced usage
- Custom Faker Providers
- Custom Alice Processors
- DoctrineFixturesBundle support
- Resources
Other references:
You can use Composer to install the bundle to your project:
composer require hautelook/alice-bundle
Then, enable the bundle by updating your app/config/AppKernel.php
file to enable the bundle:
// app/config/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
$bundles[] = new Hautelook\AliceBundle\HautelookAliceBundle();
return $bundles;
Configure the bundle to your needs:
# app/config/config.yml
locale: en_US # Locale to used for faker; must be a valid Faker locale otherwise will fallback to en_EN
seed: 1 # A seed to make sure faker generates data consistently across runs, set to null to disable
persist_once: false # Only persist objects once if multiple files are passed
Fore more information regarding the locale, refer to Faker documentation on localization.
Assuming you are using Doctrine, install
the doctrine/doctrine-bundle
and doctrine/data-fixtures
packages and register both bundles.
Then create a fixture file in AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM
# AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/dummy.yml
name: <name()>
Then simply load your fixtures with the doctrine command php app/console hautelook_alice:fixtures:load
(or php app/console h:f:l
If you want to load the fixtures of a bundle only, do php app/console h:f:l -b MyFirstBundle -b MySecondBundle
See more.
Next chapter: Advanced usage
This bundle is developped by Baldur Rensch, HauteLook and its awesome contributors.