The center for Cyber Security was identified by TIFAC (Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India) as a CORE in Cyber Security in September 2005. The TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security gives significant thrust to the frontier areas of Cyber Security, including technology, practice, management, and policy issues. This TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security at Amrita is a collaborative alliance of academic and industrial partners. Read More
Blockchain Technology, which is seen as a disruptive Technology of the last decade, has impacted all majors domains including Cyber Security. Amrita TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security has been one of the institions in India in leading Blockchain Technology - R&D activities from the year 2017. TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security Organised a National Level 3-day Workshop on Blockchain Technology in 2018.
Blockchain Technology Course is being offered to M.Tech Cyber Security students as an Elective during 2nd Year of the Program (3rd Semester) from 2018-19 Academic year.
18CY712 - Blockchain Technology
Batch | 2019 | 2020 |
Instructor(s) | Prof. M. Sethumadhavan | Dr. Lakshmy K V, Assistant Professor |
Teaching Assistant | Ms. Misha Abraham, Mr. Ramaguru Radhakrishnan |
Mr. Ramaguru Radhakrishnan, Research Associate |
Period | 2019 | Jul - Dec 2020 |
No. of Students | 9 | 3 |
No. of Publications | NA | 3 |
20CY712 - Blockchain Technology
Batch | 2020 |
Instructor(s) | Dr. Lakshmy K V, Assistant Professor |
Teaching Assistant | Mr. Ramaguru Radhakrishnan, Research Associate/Assistant Professor |
Period | Aug - Dec 2021 |
No. of Students | 7 |
No. of Publications | 1 |
21CY712 - Blockchain Technology
Batch | 2021 |
Instructor(s) | Mr. Ramaguru Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor |
Period | Aug - Dec 2022 |
No. of Students | 8 |
The Blockchain Technology Course has been designed to balance both the Theoretical Concepts as well Hands-on & Real-Time usecases with the practical challanges.
- Basics of Distributed Network
- Basics of Cyber Security & Cryptography
- What is Blockchain Technology & DLT?
- Evolution of the Technology
- Generations and Types of Blockchain Technology
- Bitcoin Blockchain (with Hands-On using Bitcoin Testnet)
- CryptoWallets (Hands-On with Multiple Wallets)
- Ethereum Blockchain
- Smart Contracts
- Solidity Programming (with Hands-On using Remix-IDE)
- Web3.js
- Standards in Blockchain (BIP, EIP, ERC, ISO)
- Oracles (Hands-On using Provable)
- Tokenization (ERC-721)
- DApps (Hands-On by Integrating of Solidity Code + Web3.js)
- Introduction to Hyperledger Projects
- Introduction to Corda
- Applications of Blockchain Technology
- DAO, DeFi, DEX
- Blockchain Security
- Blockchain Forensics
- Consensus Algorithms
- Other Distributed Systems - Interplanetary File System (IPFS) (Hands-On)
- Capstone Project
An initiative to share and spread awareness about the right understanding of the Blockchain Technology. Research Areas include
- Distributed Applications
- Forensics
- Metaverse
- Non-Fungible Tokens
- Open Source Intelligence
- Security
TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is an Institutional Member of KBA - Innovation Club from June, 2022.
Coursera - Blockchain Specialization by University at Buffalo & The State University of New York
Kerala Blockchain Academy - Blockchain Foundation Program
Kerala Blockchain Academy - Ethereum Fundamentals Program
Kerala Blockchain Academy - Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals Program
Kerala Blockchain Academy - Certified Blockchain Associate
Ramaguru Radhakrishnan
AS Deepan
Gandavaram Anuhya
P Gnanendra Prasad
Hemvarshan M
Yaswanth Gadamsetti
Nithin S
Srikalaivani Pannerselvam
Ruthwik Krishna Bandreddy
Venkata Revan Nagireddy
Vinayak R
Ram Surya Suresh Kumar
Khandagale Swapneel Raosaheb
Manbendra Satpathy
P. Jivan Prasadd
Pothuri Lakshmi Harika
Pavan Kumar Reddy T
Roshni Venkatesan
Mohamed Feroz Khan D
Deepthi J
Ashwin Prashanth Parthiban
Sourabh Sasikanthan
T K Vrinda
Shanthosh K P
Nikhitha H
Aravinth Raj S
M C Vivek Veera
Sushmanth V M
Kerala Blockchain Academy - Certified Ethereum Developer
Kerala Blockchain Academy - Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer
Long-term Project
Pillai Anjali Anilkumar, Anirudh Srinivas Balaji (2022). OSINT For Cryptocurrency Forensics. Digital 4N6. Vol. IV, Issue II. pp. 17-23. Digital 4N6.
Sivadanam Y.L., Ramaguru R., Sethumadhavan M. (2022) Distributed Ledger Framework for an Adaptive University Management System. In: Chaki N., Devarakonda N., Cortesi A., Seetha H. (eds) Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 99. pp. 295-306. Springer, Singapore.
Anuhya G, Ramaguru R (2022). Open-Source Cryptocurrency Forensic Framework. Digital 4N6. vol IV issue I. pp. 20-26. Digital 4N6.
Thomas A.M., Ramaguru R., Sethumadhavan M. (2022) Distributed Identity and Verifiable Claims Using Ethereum Standards. In: Ranganathan G., Fernando X., Shi F. (eds) Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 311, pp 621-636. Springer, Singapore.
Anjum S., Ramaguru R., Sethumadhavan M. (2021) Medical Records Management Using Distributed Ledger and Storage. In: Singh M., Tyagi V., Gupta P.K., Flusser J., Ören T., Sonawane V.R. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1441. pp 52-62. Springer, Cham.
S. P S and L. K V, "Blockchain based Smart Contracts in Automation of Shipping Ports," 2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Coimbatore, India, 2021, pp. 1248-1253, doi: 10.1109/ICICT50816.2021.9358634.
Kripa M., Nidhin Mahesh A., Ramaguru R., Amritha P.P. (2021) Blockchain Framework for Social Media DRM Based on Secret Sharing. In: Senjyu T., Mahalle P.N., Perumal T., Joshi A. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems. ICTIS 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 195. pp 451-458. Springer, Singapore.
Bansal M.K., Sethumadhavan M. (2020) Survey on Domain Name System Security Problems - DNS and Blockchain Solutions. In: Singh P., Sood S., Kumar Y., Paprzycki M., Pljonkin A., Hong WC. (eds) Futuristic Trends in Networks and Computing Technologies. FTNCT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1206. Springer, Singapore.
Benji M., Sindhu M. (2019) A Study on the Corda and Ripple Blockchain Platforms. In: Peter J., Alavi A., Javadi B. (eds) Advances in Big Data and Cloud Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 750. Springer, Singapore.
Aswathy S.V., Lakshmy K.V. (2019) BVD - A Blockchain Based Vehicle Database System. In: Thampi S., Madria S., Wang G., Rawat D., Alcaraz Calero J. (eds) Security in Computing and Communications. SSCC 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 969. Springer, Singapore.
M. Harikrishnan and K. V. Lakshmy, "Secure Digital Service Payments using Zero Knowledge Proof in Distributed Network," 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2019, pp. 307-312, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728462.
K. Ashritha, M. Sindhu and K. V. Lakshmy, "Redactable Blockchain using Enhanced Chameleon Hash Function," 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2019, pp. 323-328, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728524.
A. Pillai, M. Sindhu and K. V. Lakshmy, "Securing Firmware in Internet of Things using Blockchain," 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 2019, pp. 329-334, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS.2019.8728389.
Mohan T., Praveen K. (2019) Fraud Detection in Medical Insurance Claim with Privacy Preserving Data Publishing in TLS-N Using Blockchain. In: Singh M., Gupta P., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Ören T., Kashyap R. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1045. Springer, Singapore.
Abraham M., Jevitha K.P. (2019) Runtime Verification and Vulnerability Testing of Smart Contracts. In: Singh M., Gupta P., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Ören T., Kashyap R. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1046. Springer, Singapore.
Ramaguru R., Sindhu M., Sethumadhavan M. (2019) Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles. In: Singh M., Gupta P., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Ören T., Kashyap R. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences. ICACDS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1045. Springer, Singapore.
Gopalakrishnan, P., Radhakrishnan, R. (2019). Blockchain based waste management. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Vol. 8 Issue 5. pp. 2632-2635
Misha Abraham, A.M. Hima Vyshnavi, Chungath Srinivasan and Dr.P.K. Krishnan Namboori (2019) Healthcare security using blockchain for pharmacogenomics, Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 46(1): 529-533
Kumar, M., Sindhu M, Sethumadhavan M, & Lakshmy K V. (2018). Distributed Human Interaction Proof for Public Blockchain Platform. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3.34, pp. 885-889.
Sajana, P., Sindhu, M., & Sethumadhavan, M. (2018). On blockchain applications: Hyperledger fabric and ethereum. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(18), 2965-2970.
Rajalakshmi A, Lakshmy K V, Sindhu M , & Amritha P P (2018). A Blockchain and IPFS based Framework for secure Research Record Keeping. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 119, No. 15, pp. 1437-1442.
Ambili, K. N., Sindhu, M., & Sethumadhavan, M. (2017, August). On federated and proof of validation based consensus algorithms in blockchain. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 225, No. 1, p. 012198). IOP Publishing.
L. S. Sankar, M. Sindhu and M. Sethumadhavan, "Survey of consensus protocols on blockchain applications," 2017 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, 2017, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS.2017.8014672.