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Version 2404.03 (Coconut Mall)

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@gus33000 gus33000 released this 01 Apr 21:21
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Surface Duo UEFI BSP - Version 2404.03 (Coconut Mall)

A duo of Duos

General information

**Released:** 04/01/2024 11:00 PM UTC+2

Quality: Preview

You can view compatibility for this release, along with important information and what works, and what doesn't at this link:

Important information

- ⚠️ This version of the UEFI needs to be paired with drivers version greater than or equal to 2404.03.

  • ⚠️ For users who are updating from an earlier release than version 2301.93, please reinstall.

  • ⚠️ If you need dual boot, you will have to make your own image. Please follow this guidance:

  • ⚠️ You need to backup your original boot image for OTAs to work with Android. When you get an OTA, you will want to revert your boot image for the update to work, or you'll have to use an official OTA recovery package.

▶️ Install Surface Duo (1st Gen) UEFI and Drivers for Windows from scratch (Clean Installation)

▶️ Install Surface Duo 2 UEFI and Drivers for Windows from scratch (Clean Installation)

▶️ Update from an older version of Surface Duo UEFI and Drivers (both got updated with v2404.03)

Release notes

What's new?

  • Updates to Project Mu

  • Updates to both devices ACPI Tables for the latest driver update


Starting with this update, only Windows Insider Program Canary Channels are supported on Surface Duo 2 devices.

If you do not use such a build, Surface Duo 2 will not boot Windows successfully. Please only use Windows Insider Program Canary Channel Builds (>= 26090).

  • We fixed the boot issues with all cpu cores on Surface Duo 2 devices

  • All CPU cores are now functional on Surface Duo 2 devices provided the OS build is from the Windows Insider Program Canary Channel. As a result performance is much much better than it ever was

Dual Boot Information

Important!: The Dual Boot images currently target the following Android OTA update versions from Microsoft. These images can only be used on a phone that had as latest the following OTA versions from microsoft even if you are currently running a custom android system image. Using these images will work with a custom Android System Image but the device bootloader and firmware must be from the same Microsoft OTA version as shipped from the stock Microsoft Android Updates!

Device Name Device Variant Dual Boot Compatible with the following firmware/bootloader version only
Surface Duo United States of America (GEN) 2022.902.48 (Latest OTA for Surface Duo (1st Gen) devices)
Surface Duo United States of America (AT&T) 2022.902.48 (Latest OTA for Surface Duo (1st Gen) devices)
Surface Duo Europe (EEA) 2022.902.48 (Latest OTA for Surface Duo (1st Gen) devices)
Surface Duo 2 United States of America (mmWave) 2023.501.159 (February 2024 OTA for Surface Duo 2 devices)
Surface Duo 2 Europe (5G NR) 2023.501.159 (February 2024 OTA for Surface Duo 2 devices)

Flashing these images on any other version may brick your phone or render touch unusable! Make backups of your original boot partitions and ALWAYS test before flashing permanently using "fastboot boot image.img"!.

If you do not currently run above firmware versions, please also follow

For more information on dual boot, manual steps on how to craft such image file, and how to flash it, and use it, please visit

We do not recommend inexperienced users without advanced knowledge of IT/Command prompts to do this ever. You may find it very hard and mess up your device easily if you do it wrong. Also important to note Android OTAs will not work anymore with a custom boot.img flashed onto the device and you will need to reflash your original backup for them to work or else, you'll be forced to recover with an OTA zip package from if one is even available for your current version or higher.

Some examples about what above warning means for you when running custom operating systems on your surface duo and if you are willing to run dual boot images

To clarify above bullet point

If for example you flashed the Pixel Experience Android 13 Android System Image on your Surface Duo, and previously you were running Microsoft Stock Android OTA version 2022.123.45, your device firmware and bootloader are still version 2022.123.45 and will not be compatible with these images targeting 2022.902.48

In another example, you flashed the Pixel Experience Android 13 Android System Image on your Surface Duo, and previously you were running Microsoft Stock Android OTA version 2022.902.48, your device firmware and bootloader are still version 2022.902.48 and you are compatible with these images.

You are currently running stock microsoft android version 2022.902.48; you are compatible

You are currently not running stock microsoft android version 2022.902.48; you are not compatible

Hey wow, that's a lot of images right here! Which one do I even download?

  • FastBoot -> Image intended to be used with fastboot boot uefi.img to directly boot into the UEFI this way via your computer, use this one if you're following the installation guides right now
  • Dual Boot -> Image intended to be flashed onto boot after checking compatibility with above table to make sure you meet the usability criteria and your device will work fine
  • FD -> File needed to make your own custom dual boot images in case you do not meet the compatibility table, using the guide to do so (

Use the files without SecureBoot Disabled in their filenames if and only if:

  • I am booting a version of Windows higher than build 18363 (the latest Windows 10 feature update, Windows 11, Windows 11 Version 22H2 etc..)

Only use the files with SecureBoot Disabled in their filenames if and only if:

  • I am booting Windows 10 build 18363 or lower on my device (Please also turn on testsigning in BCD in order to boot)
  • I am booting Windows 10X on my device
  • I am booting a linux distribution

Bug reporting

This release is a Preview release. Bug exists and may happen. If you notice a bug not present in the following bug list, please report them on our Telegram Group.

Seems Faster(TM)

-- The DuoWoA authors