This project is my practice of Data Structure. The language used is C,I have writed some Frequently-used data structre. such as:List,Queue,Stack,SotrtingAlgorithm and so on.
This my code, Welecome everyone to use C to practice data structure. If you have something don't understand or find some wrong with my code , you can contact me with email.
My development environment can be list as follows:
You can choose other development environment, I think it not a problem.
这个是我在github上练习数据结构与算法的仓库,使用的语言是C,里面每一个文件夹都是一类的数据结构,我已经练习了一些数据结构了,里面有一些常用的数据结构与算法, 比如:链表、队列、堆栈、排序算法等等。