Original script:
- https://github.com/DreanorGTA5Mods/StationaryRadar
- https://forum.fivem.net/t/release-vrp-stationary-radars/70605 - mostly taken from here edited it for ESX.
Speed radar, tickets speeders.
- Based on speed, how much over the speed limit tickets X amount *DemonReborn
- Sends a bill, instead of automatically taking the money out.
- The ability to add more spots with different speed limits
- Add vehicle hash list, so cops/ems can get fined when RPing as a civilian
2) Manually
- Download https://github.com/ESX-PUBLIC/esx_radars/archive/master.zip
- Put it in resource/[esx] directory
3) Using git
cd resources/[esx]/
git clone https://github.com/ESX-PUBLIC/esx_radars esx_radars
- Add folder esx_radars to your [esx] dir
- Add this in your server.cfg :
start esx_radars
- Modify your fine ammounts inside the config.lua
Config.Fine = 300 -- 10mph over (default: $300)
Config.Fine2 = 400 -- 20mph over (default: $400)
Config.Fine3 = 500 -- 30mph over (default: $500)
Config.Fine4 = 600 -- 40mph over (default: $600)
- Add/Remove new radar zones inside client.lua
local radares = {
{x = 379.68807983398, y = -1048.3527832031, z = 29.250692367554},
{x = -253.10794067383, y = -630.20385742188, z = 33.002685546875},